1 OP34MOD=module_name
Specifies the name of the data module FM/Db2 will use when displaying Db2® catalog table information, with FM/Db2 options 3.4, 3.5 and 4.5.

FM/Db2 uses a data module to display the Db2® catalog table information in a specific language. If no value is specified for OP34MOD, FM/Db2 determines which module to load from the value specified for the LANGUAGE option in FMN2POPT. You can specify a value for OP34MOD to override this automatic selection of the data module.

The name of the module is in the form FMN2Dyyy.

The default for OP34MOD is OP34MOD=(blank). In this case FM/Db2 will load a module FMN2Dyyy where yyy is the language code for the language specified on the LANGUAGE option in FMN2POPT. See Keyword values for the LANGUAGE option, for doptop34mod.

  1. If LANGUAGE=ENGLISH is specified in FMN2POPT and a value for OP34MOD is not specified, then the module used is FMN2DENU.
  2. If a value is specified for LANGUAGE but no module FMN2Dyyy exists with a value for yyy corresponding to the LANGUAGE option, then FMN2DENU is used.
  3. Three data modules are shipped with FM/Db2 for English, uppercase English, and Japanese. These modules are FMN2DENU, FMN2DENP and FMN2DJPN respectively. .

A Japanese user is using ISPF ENGLISH, (and therefore has LANGUAGE=ENGLISH specified in FMN2POPT), but wants the Db2® catalog table information to be displayed in Japanese. Therefore they require FMN2DJPN, the Japanese version of the data module. In this case, specify the following option to ensure that the Japanese version of the data module is loaded.