View panel

You use the View panel to display a selected data set or data set member, scroll through the records and find and, if necessary, temporarily change specific information within the records. You can also use this panel to temporarily insert or delete new records, join or split existing records and copy or repeat records within the data set.

The View panel displays different fields, depending upon the type of data set shown and whether or not a template has been used.

Panel and field definitions

Figure 1. View panel showing text file
  Process   Options   Help
 View             FMN.V15R1M3.SFMNSAM1(FMNCDATA)                Rec 33 of 40
        Col 1          Insert length 80                             Format CHAR
 ****** ****  Top of data  ****
 000001        01 REC-TYPE01.
 000002           03 REC-TYPE              PIC XX.
 000003           03 NAME                  PIC X(20).
 000004           03 EMPLOYEE-NO           PIC 9(4) BINARY.
 000005           03 AGE                   PIC 9(4) BINARY.
 000006           03 SALARY                PIC 9(7) PACKED-DECIMAL.
 000007           03 MONTH
 000008                       PIC 9(8) BINARY OCCURS 12 TIMES.
 000009           03 FILLER                PIC XX.
 ****** ****  End of data  ****

 Command ===>                                                       Scroll CSR 
  F1=Help      F2=Zoom      F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F5=RFind     F6=RChange
  F7=Up        F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel    
The Title identifies the function (Edit) and the data set being used. For a PDS or PDSE member, the data set name includes the member name. Record number information, or short messages, appear to the right.
The Col field shows the column number of the column that is currently at the far left of the data area. You can scroll to a specific column (left or right) by typing a new value. The default value for this field is 1.
Insert length
The Insert length field specifies the initial length of inserted records. The possible range of values is from 1 to 9999999, depending on the data set characteristics. The default value is the maximum record length as defined in the catalog. When a User I/O exit is being used, the insert length value is adjusted to the maximum length accepted by the exit for the data set being edited.
The Scale shows the columns of the data area.
Prefix area (line numbers)
Area (if displayed) displaying the record number of each line in the data set. This area also doubles as the prefix command entry area.

You can use the following prefix commands when editing:

Identifies the record after which data is to be moved or copied.

A K can be appended to the A to indicate that the source is to be used with multiple destinations. The last destination must not contain the K append so that File Manager knows the command set is complete. No part of the command set is executed until the command set is complete.

Identifies the record before which data is to be moved or copied.

A K can be appended to the B to indicate that the source is to be used with multiple destinations. The last destination must not contain the K append so that File Manager knows the command set is complete. No part of the command set is executed until the command set is complete.

(Available only in CHAR, HEX and LHEX display formats.) Displays a bounds line on the following line, indicating the columns searched by the CHANGE, FIND, and EXCLUDE commands. To change the bounds, type a < on the bounds line to define the left bound and a > to define the right bound. To remove the bounds line from the display, use the D prefix command or the RESET SPECIAL primary command.
Copy one record.
Copy n records.
Copy block of records. Mark start and end of block.
Displays the column identification line (CHAR, HEX, and LHEX display formats only).
Delete one record.
Delete n records.
Delete block of records. Mark start and end of block.
Display the first record of a block of excluded records.
Display the first n records of a block of excluded records.
Insert one empty record.

If the display format is CHAR, HEX or LHEX, then the entire record is initialized to blanks.

If the display format is TABL, then the record is initialized according to the record structure of the current record type:
  • Numeric fields are initialized to zero.
  • Alphanumeric fields are initialized to blanks.
  • If the record type contains a variable-length array, then the record is initialized with the minimum number of array elements, and the array size field (or fields, for multi-dimensional arrays) is initialized accordingly.
Insert n empty records.
Display the last record of a block of excluded records.
Display the last n records of a block of excluded records.
Translate all uppercase characters in a record contents to lower case (see Caution in LCC).
Translate all uppercase characters in n records to lower case (see Caution in LCC).
Translate all uppercase characters in a block of records to lower case. Mark start and end of block.
CAUTION: The LC commands (LC, LCn, LCC) affect all characters in a record, not just characters in those fields with an alphanumeric or character data type. This means that numeric data, such as binary data or packed decimal data, can be corrupted by using these commands.
Move one record.
Move n records.
Move block of records. Mark start and end of the block.
Overlay one record.
The O (overlay) command indicates the target when you want to merge lines. Overlay is used in conjunction with move and copy commands.

A K can be appended to the O to indicate that the source is to be used with multiple destinations. The last destination must not contain the K append so that File Manager knows the command set is complete. No part of the command set is executed until the command set is complete.

Overlay n records.
Overlay block of records. Mark start and end of the block.
Identifies the record preceding which data is to be moved or copied. This is synonymous with the B prefix command.
R or "
Repeat one record.
Rn or "n
Repeat n records.
Perform a refresh of the record. (Shared files only.)
Perform a refresh of n records. (Shared files only.)
Perform a refresh of a block of records. Mark start and end of the block. (Shared files only.)
RR or ""
Repeat block of records. Mark start and end of the block.
RRn or ""n
Repeat block of records n times. Mark start and end of block.
Perform a save of the record. (Shared files only.)
Perform a save of n records. (Shared files only.)
Perform a save of a block of records. Mark start and end of the block. (Shared files only.)
Translate all lowercase characters in a record to upper case (see Caution in UCC).
Translate all lowercase characters in n records to upper case (see Caution in UCC).
Translate all lower case characters in a block of records to upper case. Mark start and end of block.
CAUTION: The UC commands (UC, UCn, UCC) affect all characters in a record, not just characters in those fields with an alphanumeric or character data type. This means that numeric data, such as binary data or packed decimal data, can be corrupted by using these commands.
(Available only when you are using a template.) Display currently suppressed records of the record type indicated by the shadow line. Records of other record types are suppressed from display.
Exclude record from display. If the display of excluded record shadow lines is enabled (see SHADOW primary command), a shadow line is shown indicating how many records are being excluded at this position. To show an excluded record, use the F or LA prefix command.
Exclude n records from display. If the display of excluded record shadow lines is enabled (see SHADOW primary command), a shadow line is shown indicating how many records are being excluded at this position.
Exclude block of records from display. Mark start and end of block. If the display of excluded record shadow lines is enabled (see SHADOW primary command), a shadow line is shown indicating how many records are being excluded at this position.
Label a line. The label, xxxx, is a string of 1 to 4 alphabetic characters, that does not start with the character “Z” (labels starting with “Z” are system labels). Labels can be assigned to any data line. Labels cannot be assigned to the bounds line or to shadow lines.
Shift record right one position.1
Shift record right n positions.1
Shift block of records right one position. Mark start and end of block.1
Shift block of records right n positions. Mark start and end of the block.1
Shift record left one position.1
Shift record left n positions.1
Shift block of records left one position. Mark start and end of block.1
Shift block of records left n positions. Mark start and end of block.1
Position record at the top of the screen.
Data Area
The Data Area shows the data in the selected display format. For a description of the different display formats, see Selecting a display format.
The Command line is a field in which you can enter Primary Commands, such as CHANGE.
The Scroll field defines the current scroll amount. You can type a new value.

When a VSAM data set is displayed, additional fields can be seen.

Figure 2. Edit panel showing VSAM data set
Edit             FMN.REQ77.RRDS                                       Rec 0
       Type RRDS                                                   Format CHAR
       Col 1          Insert length 4089
****** ****  Top of data  ****
000001 xxxxxxyyy orig 1                                                       
The type of VSAM data set, for example, RRDS. IAM files are also indicated.

When a data set is displayed in TABL format with a template, the column headings show the field names defined in the template.

Figure 3. PDSE member in TABL format
Edit             FMN.V15R1M3.SFMNSAM1(FMNCDATA)                Rec 13 of 40
                                                                   Format TABL
       REC-TYPE NAME                 EMPLOYEE-NO     AGE   SALARY  MONTH(1)
       #2       #3                            #4      #5       #6        #7
       AN 1:2   AN 3:20                  BI 23:2 BI 25:2  PD 27:4   BI 31:4
       <>       <---+----1----+---->      <---+>  <---+> <---+--> <---+--->
****** ****  Top of data  ****
000001 01       GRAHAM JONES                5512      94    68000         7   

When a data set is displayed in SNGL format with a template, the field and record number of the current record is shown.

Figure 4. PDSE data set in SNGL format
Edit             FMN.V15R1M3.SFMNSAM1(FMNCDATA)                Rec 13 of 40
Current type is REC-TYPE01                                         Format SNGL
                                  Top Line is 1    of 32    in Record 3
Ref Field    Picture Typ Start   Len   Data
             XX      AN      1     2   01
  3 NAME     X(20)   AN      3    20   Graham Jones
             9(4)    BI     23     2    5512
  5 AGE      9(4)    BI     25     2    94
  6 SALARY   9(7)    PD     27     4    68000                                 

Parent panels

Child panels

Equivalent functions

Related tasks and examples

1 The shift occurs only for that part of the record within the current bounds limit. See Setting bounds for a detailed explanation.