Summary of File Manager panels

The table below lists each File Manager panel. For information on using the panels, see the topic in the Panel column. For information about what you use the panel for, see the topic in the Usage column.

For most File Manager panels, there is an equivalent File Manager function that you can use when programming batch jobs, REXX procedures or TSO clists. These are listed in the Equivalent function column. For information on programming with File Manager functions, see Introduction to programming with File Manager functions.

Table 1. File Manager panels

This table has five columns, except for the final row, "Note:", which spans all five columns.

Option Description Panel Usage Equivalent function
0 0.1–0.9 Set Processing Options displays and changes parameters that affect File Manager behavior. Set Processing Options panel Setting your default processing options SET (Set Processing Options)
1 View allows you to display and edit data but without the ability to save changes. You can scroll through the data, search for a line number or string, hide records, and copy data to the clipboard. View panel Viewing and changing data sets DSV (Data Set View)1
2 Edit allows you to display and edit data. Editor panel Viewing and changing data sets DSE (Data Set Edit)1
3 Utility Functions Utility Functions menu panel
3.0 Set DBCS Format allows you to specify which columns in a data record are in EBCDIC (the default), DBCS, or mixed format. Set DBCS Format panel Printing DBCS data FMT (Set DBCS Format)
3.1 Data Create Utility allows you to create sequential data sets, VSAM data sets or PDS members, and initialize their field values. Data Create Utility panel Creating data sets and records DSG (Data Set Generate)
3.2 Print Utility allows you to print data. Print Utility panel Printing from File Manager DSP (Data Set Print)
3.3 Copy Utility allows you to copy data from a partitioned, sequential, or VSAM data set to any other partitioned, sequential, or VSAM data set, with optional record selection and field-level reformatting. Copy From panel Copying data sets DSC (Data Set Copy)
3.4 Catalog Services displays or prints catalog information and lets you work with catalog entries. Catalog Services panel Managing catalog entries SCS (Catalog Services)
3.5 Work with VTOC displays or prints a list of the data sets on a disk volume obtained from the disk VTOC. Display VTOC panel Displaying a Volume Table of Contents (VTOC) DVT (Display VTOC)
3.6 Find/Change Utility allows you to search for or change a string in a partitioned, sequential or VSAM data set. Find/Change Utility panel Finding and changing data in multiple PDS members FCH (Find/Change)
3.7 AFP Print Browse provides a formatted display of an Advanced Function Printing (LIST3820) document. AFP Print Browse panel Browsing AFP Print documents APB1
3.8 Memory Browse displays user storage in dump format. Browsing your user storage MB1
3.9 Print Browse browses print output. Printing from File Manager PB1
3.10 Load Module Utilities
3.10.1 View Load Module allows you to display or print a list of the symbols (CSECTs, common sections, entry points, compiler options, and ZAPs) in a load module (or program object). Load Module Information - Selection panel Viewing load module information VLM (View Load Module)
3.10.2 Compare Load Modules allows you to perform load module comparison,with selection from various compare criteria on module and CSECT level. Load Module Information panel Comparing load modules CLM (Compare Load Module)
3.11 Compare data allows you to perform data set comparisons, with optional record selection and field level comparison mapping. Compare Utility: "Old" and "New" panels Comparing data sets DSM (Data Set Compare)
3.12 Print audit trail report prints the contents of the audit trail data set. Print Audit Trail panel Printing your Audit Trail Report
3.13 Copybook View and Print displays and prints a copybook or template definition. Copybook View and Print: View panel Copybook View and Print Utility PBK
3.14 or 9.1 List Websphere MQ managers and queues lists Websphere MQ managers and queues. WebSphere MQ Managers panel Working with WebSphere MQ
3.15 PDSE Workbench PDSE Workbench Entry panel Using PDSE Workbench PWB (PDSE Workbench)
4 Tape Specific Functions
4.1 Tape Browse allows you to browse physical records on a tape. Tape Browse panel Tape Browse (option 4.1) TB1
4.2 Tape Data Copy Function Tape Data Copy Functions panel Tape Data Copy Function (option 4.2)
4.2.1 Tape to Tape copies tape files from one tape to another. Tape to Tape panel Tape to Tape (option 4.2.1) TT (Tape to Tape)
4.2.2 Tape to Tape Reblocked copies a file from one tape to another, changing the block size and record format. Tape to Tape Reblocked panel Tape to Tape Reblocked (option 4.2.2) TTR (Tape to Tape Reblocked)
4.2.3 Tape to Labeled Tape copies standard labeled tapes. Tape to Labeled Tape panel Tape to Labeled Tape (option 4.2.3) TLT (Tape to Labeled Tape)
4.2.4 Tape to VSAM copies tape records to a VSAM data set. Tape to VSAM panel Tape to VSAM (option 4.2.4) TV (Tape to VSAM)
4.2.5 Tape to Sequential Data copies tape records to a sequential data set. Tape to QSAM panel Tape to Sequential Data (option 4.2.5) TS (Tape to Sequential Data)
4.2.6 VSAM to Tape copies VSAM records to a tape file. VSAM to Tape panel VSAM to Tape (option 4.2.6) VT (VSAM to Tape)
4.2.7 Sequential Data to Tape copies sequential records to a tape file. Sequential Data to Tape panel Sequential Data to Tape (option 4.2.7) ST (Sequential Data to Tape)
4.2.8 Exported Stacked Volume Copy copies a logical volume from an Exported Stacked Volume to a physical volume. Exported Stacked Volume Copy panel Exported Stacked Volume Copy (option 4.2.8) EVC (Exported Stacked Volume Copy)
4.3 Tape Update allows you to update tape records on-screen, while copying the data from one tape to another. Tape Update panel Tape Update (option 4.3) TU1
4.4 Tape Record Load copies a specified number of tape records to another tape, and allows you to alter selected blocks. Tape Record Load (option 4.4) Tape Record Load panel
4.5 Tape Print print tape records, optionally deblocked. Tape Print panel Tape Print (option 4.5) TP (Tape Print)
4.6 Tape Map summarizes tape contents for a specified number of files. Tape Map panel Tape Map (option 4.6) TMP (Tape Map)
4.7 Create Tape Data writes test data to tape. Create Tape Data panel Create Tape Data (option 4.7) BT (Create Tape File)
4.8 Tape Label Display prints tape labels and a tape label summary. Tape Label Display panel Tape Label Display (option 4.8) TLB (Tape Label Display)
4.9 Tape to Tape Compare compares two tapes byte by byte. Tape to Tape Compare panel Tape to Tape Compare (option 4.9) TTC (Tape to Tape Compare)
4.10 Tape Record Scan scans for a specified string of data in a tape file. Tape Record Scan panel Tape Record Scan (option 4.10) TRS (Tape Record Scan)
4.11 Write Tape Mark writes one or more tape marks at the current position. Write Tape Mark panel Write Tape Mark (option 4.11) WTM (Write Tape Mark)
4.12 Initialize Tape File Manager overview Initialize Tape (option 4.12) INT (Initialize Tape)
4.13 Erase Tape erases a tape from the current position until end-of-tape (EOT). Erase Tape panel Erase Tape (option 4.13) ERT (Erase Tape)
4.14 Exported Stacked Volume List prints the table of contents (TOC) from an Exported Stacked Volume. Exported Stacked Volume List panel Exported Stacked Volume List (option 4.14) EVL (Exported Stacked Volume List)
4.15 Tape Positioning Functions Tape Positioning Functions panel Tape Positioning Functions (option 4.15)
4.15.1 Backward Space File moves a tape backward one or more tape files. BSF BSF (Backward Space File)
4.15.2 Forward Space File moves a tape forward one or more tape files. FSF FSF (Forward Space File)
4.15.3 Backward Space Record moves the tape backward one or more records. BSR BSR (Backward Space Record)
4.15.4 Forward Space Record moves a tape forward one or more tape records or tape marks. FSR FSR (Forward Space Record)
4.15.5 Tape Rewind rewinds a tape to the load point. REW REW (Tape Rewind)
4.15.6 Tape Rewind-Unload rewinds a tape and unloads it. RUN RUN (Tape Rewind-Unload)
5 Disk/VSAM Data Functions Disk/VSAM Data Functions
5.1 Disk Browse displays the data structure and contents of records stored on the tracks of the specified physical disk. Disk Browse (option 5.1) DB1
5.2 Disk Track Edit allows you to display and edit records on the specified physical disk. Disk Track Edit (option 5.2) DTE1
5.3 Disk Print prints records from the specified tracks on a physical disk. Disk Print (option 5.3) DP (Disk Print)
5.4 Disk Record Scan searches the specified tracks of a physical disk for a particular string or an EOF record. Disk Record Scan (option 5.4) DRS (Disk Record Scan)
5.5 Write EOF Record writes a logical EOF record at the specified absolute disk address. Write EOF Record (option 5.5) EOF
5.6 Data Set Extents displays the beginning and end addresses of the disk extents of a disk data set. Data Set Extents (option 5.6) DSX (Data Set Extents)
5.7 VSAM Update allows you to select and then edit a single record in a VSAM data set. VSAM Update (option 5.7) VSAM Update (option 5.7) VU1
5.8 Data In Virtual displays data-in-virtual data sets in full-screen mode. You can use this function to browse the data as a continuous string of bytes. Data in Virtual (option 5.8)
6 OAM Functions OAM Functions
6.1 Object Directory List displays or prints a list of Object Access Method (OAM) objects from a collection; if you display the list, you can browse, print, update, or erase any of the listed objects. Object Directory List (option 6.1) ODL (Object Directory List)
6.2 Object Browse displays an OAM object. Object Browse (option 6.2) OB1
6.3 Object Print prints an OAM object. Object Print (option 6.3) OP (Object Print)
6.4 Object Update allows you to display and edit an OAM object. Object Update (option 6.4) OU1
6.5 Object Erase erases an OAM object. Object Erase (option 6.5) OE1
6.6 Object Copy Functions
6.6.1 Object to VSAM copies one or more OAM objects to a VSAM data set. Object to VSAM (option 6.6.1) OV (Object to VSAM)
6.6.2 Object to Sequential Data copies one or more OAM objects to a sequential data set. Object to Sequential Data (option 6.6.2) OS (Object to Sequential Data)
6.6.3 VSAM to Object copies data from a VSAM data set to one or more OAM objects. VSAM to Object (6.6.3) VO (VSAM to Object)
6.6.4 Sequential Data to Object copies data from a sequential data set to one or more OAM objects. Sequential Data to Object (option 6.6.4) SO SO (Sequential Data to Object)
6.6.5 Object to Object copies an OAM object to another object within the same collection, or to another collection. Object to Object (option 6.6.5) Object to Object (option 6.6.5) OO (Object to Object)
7 Template and copybook utilities allows you to create, update and edit templates and copybooks. Copybook and Template Utility functions panel
7.1 Workbench allows you to create, edit or update a single template. Template Workbench panel Creating and editing templates AF1
7.2 Print allows you to view or print copybooks or templates. Copybook View and Print: Entry panel Copybook View and Print Utility PBK (Print Copybook)
7.3 Build allows you to compile copybooks into templates. Template Build Utility panel Creating corresponding templates from selected copybooks BTB (Batch Template Build)
7.4 Update allows you to update templates. Template Update Utility panel Updating one or more templates BTU (Batch Template Update)
7.5 Import allows you to import templates. Template Import Utility panel Updating one or more templates TPIMP (Import template from XML)
7.6 Export allows you to export templates. Template Export Utility panel Updating one or more templates TPEXP (Export template to XML)
7.7 Repository allows you to create and maintain repository data sets and entries. Template repository utilities
7.8 Template List displays a list of templates that includes all template types. Template List Entry panel Working with the Template List Keyword invocation from REXX
8 Access Hierarchical File System invokes standard ISPF services to enable access to z/OS® UNIX® System Services and Hierarchical File System (HFS) Utilities. Access Hierarchical File System panel Using UNIX System Services and the Hierarchical File System
9 WebSphere® MQ enables you to list, view, and edit MQ data. WebSphere MQ Functions panel Working with WebSphere MQ
10 CICS . Accessing CICS resources
11 Remote system definition enables you to connect to a remote system. Remote System Definition panel
  1. This function can only be invoked under ISPF, as described in Invoking File Manager panels from outside File Manager.