Viewing compound tests

You can view a compound test in the Compound Test Editor.

About this task

When you open a workspace, the tests and projects that reside in the workspace are listed in the Test Navigator.

You can view compound tests in the Logical and Resource Views in the Test Navigator. From any of these views, you can open the test in the Compound Test Editor.


  • In the Logical View of the Test Navigator, compound tests are listed in the Compound Tests folder under the project into which they were imported. Double-click the compound test under the Compound Tests folder to open it in the Compound Test Editor.
    In the Resource View, all tests under a project are shown in the project folder. Double click the compound test under the project folder to open it in the Compound Test Editor.
  • In the Java perspective, compound tests under a project are shown under the root project folder. Double click the compound test under the project folder to open it in the Compound Test Editor.
  • The Compound Test Editor contains two panels - the Compound Test Elements panel, where the elements of the workflow are listed. Click one of the elements, and its details are displayed int the far right portion of the right panel, which is the Compound Test Element Details panel. Double-click any of the test or the test elements to view its details. The name of the test, test path, source type and execution mode are displayed.