Working with functional test object maps in the Visual Studio IDE
This section describes how you can use test object maps to facilitate your functional testing effort. The test object map is a static view that describes the known test objects in the application-under-test.
You can refer to the following topics about test object maps:
- Creating a new test object map
- Merging multiple test object maps
- Adding objects to a test object map
- New test objects in an object map
- Adding a test object to an object map and a script
- Editing object properties
- Displaying associated scripts
- Renewing a name in associated script or scripts
- Resetting object names to the default names in associated scripts
- Adding test objects to a script
- Adding test object descriptions
- Editing test object descriptions
- Deleting test objects from an object map
- Unifying two test objects
- Maintaining a test object map
- Updating recognition properties
- Deleting a test object map
- Locating a test object in the application
- Searching for objects in a test object map
- Regular expressions
- Object library