Configuring the workspace directory of the adapter

You must configure the workspace directory of the adapter to start or stop the Engineering Test Management adapter from command-line interface.

About this task

If the Use resources that are local to a test machine option is set in Engineering Test Management, then the WORKSPACE_DIR must be set to the same workspace where your test assets are located.


  1. Locate the adapter.config file in the product_install_dir\RPT-RST_RQMAdapter\config\ directory.
    Where product_install_dir is the directory where Rational® Functional Tester is installed.

    For example, C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP.

  2. Edit the WORKSPACE_DIR variable in the adapter.config file to point to the same test workspace that you want the adapter to use.

    For example, WORKSPACE_DIR= C:\Users\username\IBM\rationalsdp\my_adapter_workspace.


You have configured the workspace directory of the adapter.

What to do next

You can start or stop the Engineering Test Management adapter either from command-line interface or as a Windows service.