Uninstalling Rational® Functional Tester cleanly

If you have any issues during uninstall and reinstall of Rational® Functional Tester, you can perform a few tasks to verify whether the required processes are stopped and all the files are deleted from the computer.


  1. To uninstall the packages, you must log in to the system using the same user account that you used to install the product packages.
  2. Before you uninstall Rational® Functional Tester, close the Eclipse and Visual Studio IDEs, as well as any open web browsers, and all other applications that are enabled by Rational® Functional Tester. To ensure that all the processes have stopped, you can use any of the following tools:
    • Use the Task Manager to kill all the Rational® Functional Tester processes such as java.exe and javaw.exe.
    • You can use Process Explorer from Microsoft to search and stop all the Rational® Functional Tester processes.
      1. In the Process Explorer, click Find > Find Handle DLL.
      2. Type rtx in the Handle or DLL substring field.
      3. Kill all the processes that are listed in the Process Explorer Search window.
  3. Uninstall Rational® Functional Tester using the Installation Manager.
  4. After uninstalling Rational® Functional Tester, verify if the uninstallation process has deleted the assembly entries.
    1. Click Start > Run and type assembly.
    2. Delete the following assembly instances if they still exist:
      • rtxftnet
      • policy.7.0.rtxftnet
      Note: If you are unable to delete the assembly entries, open the Windows Registry editor and search for the assembly. Delete the entries from the Registry and then try to delete the assembly instance.
  5. Click Start > Run and type regedit to open the registry editor. Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Rational Software > Rational Test and delete the 8 folder.
  6. Delete all the files and folders in the product installation directory if they still exist. For example, C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP .
  7. To delete the configuration and customization files, delete the RFT folder that is available by default at C:\ProgramData\IBM location.
  8. To delete the user preference settings of Rational® Functional Tester, delete the RFT folder that is available by default at C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\IBM location.
  9. To delete the workspace data, delete the rft_private_workspace folder that is available at C:\Users\<user name>\IBM\rationalsdp location if it still exists.