Searching for SAP TestObjects
Functional Tester supports
a means for locating one or more SAP TestObjects
a specified criteria, even without using the Object Map, through scripting
Rational® Functional Tester supports a RootTestObject
to represent
a global view of the software under test. To enable the SAP application for
testing, you invoke the enableForTesting
method on the RootTestObject
To perform a global search, you invoke the find method on the RootTestObject
Valid values for the subitem, which is the first argument of the find method,
include atProperty
, atChild
, atDescendant
and atList
. There are special properties that apply to the RootTestObject.find
including the .processName
, .processID
, .domain
You can use any one of these subitems and properties. For example, you can
use the atChild
subitem with the .domain property set to SAP
to search for the SAP domain.
Once the top level SAP Test Object is found and returned, you can use that object to find various objects of SAP's GUI runtime hierarchy. For example:
- You can obtain the
by invoking theGetApplication
method on theSAPTopLevelTestObject
. - You can obtain the
by invoking theGetProperty("Connections")
method on theSAPGuiApplicationTestObject
. - You can obtain the
by invoking theGetProperty("Sessions")
method on theSAPGuiConnectionTestObject
. - You can obtain the SAP's active window by invoking the
method on theSAPGuiSessionTestObject
Once you have the active window object, you can use the GetChildren
on the main window test object to find and interact with various objects on GuiMainWindow
Listed below is an example on how you can perform user interactions with objects in the SAP application. This sample code:
- Enables the SAP application for testing
- Returns the SAP test object representing the window
- Uses this object to find the Create Role button
whose button name property is set to
on the SAP toolbar. - Clicks on the Create Role button
#Region " Script Header "
' Functional Test Script
' author Administrator
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports Rational.Test.Ft
Imports Rational.Test.Ft.Object.Interfaces
Imports Rational.Test.Ft.Object.Interfaces.SAP
Imports Rational.Test.Ft.Object.Interfaces.Siebel
Imports Rational.Test.Ft.Script
Imports Rational.Test.Ft.Value
Imports Rational.Test.Ft.Vp
#End Region
Public Class HandCodingWithEnablement
Inherits HandCodingWithEnablementHelper
'Script Name : HandCodingWithEnablement
'Generated : Sep 5, 2006 10:53:54 AM
'Description : Functional Test Script
'Original Host : Windows XP x86 5.1 build 2600 Service Pack 2
'since 2006/09/05
'author Administrator
Public Function TestMain(ByVal args() As Object) As Object
Dim sapApps() As TestObject
Dim app As SAPTopLevelTestObject
Dim theAPP As SAPGuiApplicationTestObject
Dim cons() As TestObject
Dim sessions() As TestObject
Dim con As SAPGuiConnectionTestObject
Dim sess As SAPGuiSessionTestObject
Dim mainWnd As SAPTopLevelTestObject
Dim wndChild() As TestObject
Dim btns() As TestObject
Dim btn As SAPGuiToggleTestObject
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim Len1, Len2 As Integer
' Searching for SAP Test Objects through Scripting
' This enables SAP to be tested by Rational® Functional Tester and
' returns all top-level test objects in the SAP domain
sapApps = GetRootTestObject().Find(AtChild(".domain", "SAP"))
' Get a handle to the SAP Application from the top-level SAP object
If (sapApps.GetLength(0)> 0) Then
app = sapApps(0)
theAPP = app.GetApplication
LogInfo("Application Number:" + theAPP.GetProperty("Id"))
' Get a handle to the SAP Connection from the SAP Application Test object
cons = theAPP.GetProperty("Connections")
con = cons(0)
LogInfo("Connection Number:" + con.GetProperty("Id"))
' Get a handle to the SAP Session from the SAP Connection Test Object
sessions = con.GetProperty("Sessions")
sess = sessions(0)
LogInfo("Session Number:" + sess.GetProperty("Id"))
' Get a handle to the SAP Main Window from the SAP Session Test Object
' and iterate over its children till the desired object is found
mainWnd = sess.GetProperty("ActiveWindow")
wndChild = mainWnd.GetChildren()
Len1 = wndChild.GetLength(0) - 1
For i = 0 To Len1
Dim name As String = wndChild(i).GetProperty("Name")
If (name.CompareTo("tbar[1]") = 0) Then
btns = wndChild(i).GetChildren
Len2 = btns.GetLength(0) - 1
For j = 0 To Len2
Dim btnType As String = btns(j).GetProperty("Type")
If (btnType.CompareTo("GuiButton") = 0) Then
btn = CType(btns(j), SAPGuiToggleTestObject)
Dim btnName As String = btn.GetProperty("Name")
If (btnName.CompareTo("btn[48]") = 0) Then
' Click on the "Create Role" button ("btn[48]") placed on the toolbar("tbar[1]")
LogInfo("Clicked on the Create Role button")
Return Nothing
End If
End If
Next j
End If
Next i
LogInfo("SAP Application not found")
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
End Class
If the SAP application is already enabled, then you need not enable the SAP application explicitly for testing. Instead you can use the following code to find the enabled SAP application.
Dim domains As DomainTestObject()
Dim domain As DomainTestObject
Dim sapApps() As TestObject
Dim name As String
Dim domainsCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
domains = GetDomains()
domainsCount = domains.GetLength(0) - 1
For i = 0 To domainsCount
domain = domains(i)
name = domain.GetName()
If (name.CompareTo("SAP") = 0) Then
' Returns all top-level test objects in the SAP domain
sapApps = domain.GetTopObjects
' Perform user interactions with the SAP objects
End If
Next i