Optimizing HTTP/2 tests for SOA

HTTP/2 tests require a lot of CPU and memory resources. When you apply load on HTTP/2 tests using computers that do not have enough resources, the tests might fail. You might want to configure or tune the computers that run HTTP/2 tests.

CPU Usage

Ensure that the HTTP/2 tests get adequate CPU resources to run. If there are other processes running on the computer and they are not required, you can stop them. For example, the CPU usage statistic in the image below indicates that the other processes (shown in red) on the computer are consuming a lot of resources whereas the test execution process (shown in green) is getting less resources.CPU Usage

Memory usage and garbage collection

Ensure that enough memory is available for the test execution. You can configure the garbage collector and adjust the memory heap size.

Garbage Collection - Consider using the following values so that the garbage collector does not allocate large amount of temporary memory. By doing so, you are tuning the number of threads allocated for the garbage collector according to the capability of the computer. You apply the values for each location asset of the schedule.

-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=250 -XX:ParallelGCThreads=6 -XX:ConcGCThreads=3 -XX:GCTimeRatio=19

Java argument for garbage collection
Memory heap - Consider using the following values for memory heap:
Memory heap

Thread Usage

Ensure that you start load testing with fewer virtual testers and gradually ramp up the workload. This practice helps in observing the changes in the workload, that is, the number of calls per second. In the graph, when the number of calls per second is flat, it indicates that the maximum capacity of the computer is reached and there is no need to add more virtual testers.

Platform tuning

Configure the TCP/Socket capabilities of your system by following these two links:

