Contributing new actions to the annotation toolbar

Typically, you produce an annotation by adding an action to the annotation toolbar. This action is represented as a toolbar button.

To contribute a new action to the annotation toolbar, complete these procedures:

  • Declare a new annotation action in the plugin.xml file by using the extension point and the annotationAction element.
  • Assign a unique ID to the annotation action.
  • Decide whether this action is visible by default or not. Actions that are visible by default are available in all recording sessions unless made unavailable by a client or recorder. Actions that are not visible by default are available only if a recorder or client requires the action.
  • Define an implementation class for this action. The implementation class must extend the abstract class.

Consider these facts about AbstractAnnotationAction implementations:

  • This class extends the JFace Action class.
  • In the constructor, set the name, tooltip text, and image descriptor of the action.
  • Implement the run() method. This method can interact with the user. For example, this method can prompt the user for a text field. If there is any interaction with the user, the time in milliseconds spent interacting with the user must be measured.
  • To create an annotation, create an instance of the class, and then pass the annotation type as an argument. Set the annotation properties using the setter methods provided in this class.
  • After the annotation has been built, forward the annotation by sending an AnnotationMessage message to the annotation recorder. This is typically a call of this form: annotationRecorder.sendMessage(new AnnotationMessage(annotation, interactionTime));