Test editor preferences

The General preferences control what happens when you move test elements, and how digital certificates are substituted. The Colors and Fonts preferences control how the editor displays dataset and correlation data. The Search and Replace preferences control the behavior of search and replace.


Click Window > Preferences > Test > Test Editor, and click the General tab.

Move selected items into new transactions
Controls whether selected elements are automatically moved into new transactions, or whether you are prompted each time to move them.
Move selected items into new IF/ELSE blocks
Controls whether selected elements are automatically moved into new conditional blocks, or whether you are prompted each time to move them.
Move selected items into new loops
Controls whether selected elements are automatically moved into new loops, or whether you are prompted each time to move them.
Move selected items into new random selectors
Controls whether selected elements are automatically moved into new random selectors, or whether you are prompted each time to move them.
Keep children elements
When you delete a test element that has children elements, controls whether the test element children are also deleted, or whether you are prompted each time to delete them.
Automatically dataset certificate names
Controls whether and how digital certificate names are included in dataseted.
Automatically adjust "once per user" dataset option
Controls whether and how digital certificates in dataset return dataset rows to a particular virtual user.
Make user-defined strings available to all tests
Click to save user-defined strings for content verification points in the workspace (and thus make them available to other tests). Click Clear saved to delete all saved strings.

Colors and Fonts

Click Window > Preferences > Test > Test Editor, and click the Colors and Fonts tab.

Here are some tips for working with these settings:

  • To change a color, click the color box. From the color palette that opens, choose a different color.
  • To save the current settings without closing the window, click Apply.
  • To restore the settings to their factory defaults, click Restore Defaults.
  • To save and close, click OK.
Information background
Click to change the highlighting shade that distinguishes page requests that contain dataset candidates, data in dataset, or correlated data.
Disabled Elements
Disabled Elements: Enables you to select the prefix and the color for the test elements that you manually disable. Click Display nested to precede nested elements with a double prefix (////). If you first disable a test element and then disable an entire test, the test element prefix is ////. Clear Display nested to display all elements, whether nested or not, with a single prefix (//).
Use color to mark test elements with errors
Click to display in red test elements that have errors.
Appearance color options
Shows the current color settings. Select an element, and then click Foreground or background to change the settings.
Inline highlighting preview
Enables you to inspect the settings before you actually set them.

Search and Replace

Click Window > Preferences > Test > Test Editor, and click the Search and Replace tab.

Save search text
Click to retain the search text from session to session.
Save selected search types
Click to retain the test elements to search (pages, requests, responses, loops, and so on) from session to session.
Enable decorations on search results
Click to differentiate between visited and unvisited search results. For example, if you search for a name, and then click the text in the search result to locate it in the test, the search result will be marked in the color and the text that you specify.