Using the rvtrace program

You can set the rvtrace program to listen for SNMP connections from the TIBCO Rendezvous Trace probe.


  1. Run program with the -snmp command-line option.
  2. To limit console output, you can run the rvtrace program with the -no-display command-line option.

    By default, rvtrace uses UDP port 161 (TIBCO Rendezvous documentation describes how to change this). You need to specify the update interval to match that of the configured probe. The default interval is 10 seconds, but you may want to use a longer interval to limit the amount of data that is stored. The interval is set with the -u command-line option.

    Therefore, an example command to run rvtrace is as follows:rvtrace -u 60 -snmp -no-display


The following topics provides some information about running rvtrace on Windows and Unix-like systems. (For complete and comprehensive information about using rvtrace, refer to the TIBCO Rendezvous documentation or visit the TIBCO website.)