Verifying the Rational® Integration Tester Agent

Before you can execute IBM® Rational® Integration Tester resources from IBM® Engineering Test Management, the Rational® Integration Tester Agent must be configured, running and available as an adapter in Engineering Test Management.


  1. Open the Engineering Test Management console and select Adapter Console from the Execution menu. All registered adapters are listed. Adapter Console

    If the Rational® Integration Tester Agent is not listed, then it is not successfully registered with the server. In this case:

  2. Ensure that Agent.conf is modified properly and then launch the Agent to register it.

    If the Agent is listed but unavailable, then it is successfully registered but is probably not running. In this case:

  3. Launch the agent, then wait for it to connect to Engineering Test Management. Then, refresh the list of available adapters.

    If the Agent is listed as Available in the adapter Console, you are ready to run Rational® Integration Tester resources from Engineering Test Management.

    Adapter Console