Adding a filter

How to add a filter.

About this task

To add a filter:


  1. Click the tab that you want.
  2. Click Add.
  3. In the Operation list, click one of the options that are described in the following table.
    Option Description
    Wildcard Define a string by using * as a wildcard character.

    For example, the text server1.myQueue.out will match the filter value server*myQueue*.

    Ends with The text must end with the filter value.

    For example, the text server1.myQueue.out will match the filter value e.out.

    Contains The text must contain the filter value.

    For example, the text server1.myQueue.out will match the filter with value myQueue.

    Starts with The text must start with the filter value.

    For example, the text server1.myQueue.out will match the filter value server.

    Equals The text must be identical.

    For example, the text server1.myQueue.out will match only the filter value server1.myQueue.out.

  4. Optional: Select the Not check box to reverse the result of the specified filter.
  5. Clicking the Include or Exclude option buttons determines whether the filter includes or exclude the item that matches the filter.
  6. In the Value field, enter the filter value to match for inclusion or exclusion.

    Multiple values can be added by separating each with a comma. The filter example that is shown in the graphic would include all queues whose names equal either queue1, queue2, or queue3.

  7. Click OK.

    To clear the current selection, click Clear.