Adding additional counters on a separate page

You can add additional counters on a separate page without editing an existing report to investigate performance problems in detail.

Before you begin

You must have created and run the test or schedule.

About this task

Each report has its pre-defined counters that gather statistical information from the recorded test. If the counter information provided in the default reports do not address your needs, you can add additional counters on a separate page to diagnose the performance problems in detail.

You can click the Menu icon quick_view_menu and select Hide All Instances check box to hide the instance counters from the counter tree. Similarly, you can click the Menu icon quick_view_menu and select the Hide Percentile check box to hide the percentile counters from the counter tree.

For example, when you want to add counters for the test report, you might want to hide percentile counters, which are specifically useful for the schedule runs.


  1. Double-click the report in the Test Navigator.
  2. Click the Plus icon add_new_page.
    A new page is displayed along with the execution report with a counter tree on the left pane.
  3. Click the Expand icon expand_counter_tree from the counter tree to view the available counters.
    Alternatively, you can use the Search field to search the available counters by name.
  4. Perform the following steps to add percentile counters to the counter tree on the left pane:
    1. Click the Settings icon settings_icon.
    2. Enter a value for the percentile counter in the field.
      For example, 99.9.
    3. Click OK.
    Note: The QuickView report stores the percentile counters that you added and used in a chart. When you reload the QuickView report, you can view those percentile counters.
  5. Select the check box preceded with the counter name that you want to analyze.
    For example, to analyze the standard deviation for the response time of all the pages:
    1. Click Pages > Response Time > All pages.

    2. Select the check box preceded with the counter name StdDev. The StdDev counter statistic is displayed as a graph.

    The selected counters are displayed in a graph in the right pane.
  6. Rename the new tab for the new page by completing the following steps:
    1. Click Up arrow up_arrow_to_rename_page of the new tab.
    2. Select Rename.
    3. Enter a new name for the new tab, and then click OK.
      The new page that you created is saved with the name you entered.


You have added additional counters to be displayed on a separate page. The default chart as a line chart is displayed.

What to do next

You can change the graph view for the selected counters. See Displaying counter data in tables or as graphs.