webMethods Broker probe

The webMethods Broker probe collects statistics for webMethods brokers, event types, clients, and client groups.

The following table describes the broker data that can be monitored by the webMethods Broker probe.

Counters Description
Clients The number of connected and non-connected clients on the broker.
Event Types The number of event-types installed.
Events Published The number of events published by all clients.
Events Delivered The number of events delivered by all clients.
Events Queued The number of events queued by all clients.
Traces Published The number of trace events published by the broker.
Max Publishes The maximum number of publishes.
Max Events The maximum number of events.
Next Sequence Number Next operation sequence number.
Retry Attempts The number of retry attempts.
Event Log Length The length of the event log.
Reserved Publishes Total number of reserved publishes.
Guaranteed Publishes Total number of guaranteed publishes.
Volatile Publishes Total number of volatile publishes.
Guaranteed Events Number of guaranteed events.
Volatile Events Number of volatile events.
Current® Publishes Number of current publishes.
Current® Events Number of current events.
Events In Queue Number of events placed in the queue.
Last Event Enqueued Time when the last event was enqueued.
Queue Length Number of events in the queue.
Queue Size Number of bytes worth of events in the queue.
Queue Highest Length Highest value of Queue Length.
Queue Highest Length Time The last time that Queue Highest Length was set.

The following table describes the event-type data that can be monitored by the webMethods Broker probe.

Counters Description
Events Published The number of events of this type published.
Events Delivered The number of events of this type delivered.
Last Published The time when the last event of this type was published.
Last Delivered The time when the last event of this type was delivered.
Client Subscriptions The number of subscriptions open which include this event-type.
Forwards Received The number of events of this type received by means of forwarding from another broker.
Last Forward The time the last event of this type was received by means of forwarding from another broker.
Publishing Groups The number of client groups that can publish this event-type.
Subscribing Groups The number of client groups that can subscribe to this event-type.

The following table describes the client data that can be monitored by the webMethods Broker probe.

Counters Description
Events Published The number of events published by this client.
Events Delivered The number of events delivered by this client.
Events Queued The number of events queued by this client.
Events Retrieved The number of events retrieved by this client.
Events Unacknowledged The number of events unacknowledged by this client.
Last Published The time when the last event was published by this client.
Last Delivered The time when the last event was delivered by this client.
Last Queued The time when the last event was queued by this client.
Last Retrieved The time when the last event was retrieved by this client.
Queue Length The number of events in the client queue.
Queue Byte Size The number of bytes worth of events in the client queue.
Queue Highest Length The highest value of Queue Length.
Queue Highest Length Time The last time that Queue Highest Length was set.

The following table describes the client group data that can be monitored by the webMethods Broker probe.

Counters Description
Events Published The number of events published by member clients.
Events Delivered The number of events delivered by member clients.
Last Published Time when the last event was published by a member.
Last Delivered Time when the last event was delivered by a member.