Registering Rational® Integration Tester Agent with Rational® Test Control Panel

IBM® Rational® Test Control Panel runs stubs on agents. Agents can also be used to run scheduled tests. During the installation of the Rational® Integration Tester Agent, the agent is configured to register with Rational® Test Control Panel instances so that they are available for running stubs or running scheduled tests.

About this task

After the installation of Rational® Integration Tester Agent, you can change the configuration of the agent by editing the Agent.config file. For example, you might need to change the URL of the Rational® Test Control Panel instance with which the agent is registered.

  • An agent can be registered with only one Rational® Test Control Panel instance at any given time.
  • The settings in the Agent.config file are used regardless of whether the agent is run from a command prompt or as a service.


  1. Open the Agent.config file, which is in Agent installation directory\config directory in a text editor.

    The configurations that pertain to Rational® Test Control Panel are contained in the <rtcp>/<rtcp> element.

  2. Configure the Rational® Test Control Panel settings as follows:
    The attributes and the default values in the Agent.config file that you can configure are as follows:
    <rtcp enabled="true" base-url="https://<host_name>:5443/RTCP" security-token="<token>" identifier="<name>">
    1. Ensure that the enabled attribute is set to true.
      Note: The connection to Rational® Test Control Panel is enabled as the default action when the enabled attribute is set to true.
      Warning: If you change the value of the enabled attribute to false, the agent cannot connect to Rational® Test Control Panel.
    2. Enter the URL of the computer on which you have installed Rational® Test Control Panel as the value of the base-url attribute.
      • The base-url value must not end with a forward slash (/).
      • You can specify Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) values as the hostname in the base-url value. To update the file with the IDN value, you must open the file in UTF-8 encoding format.
    3. Enter the security token as the value for the security-token attribute.
      Note: You must have generated the security token if you want to use domain-level security for the agent.
    4. Enter the name of the agent as the value for the identifier attribute.
      The name is displayed on the Infrastructure Dashboard of Rational® Test Control Panel 8.6.0 or later. Assigning a name to an agent helps you to identify the agent when two or more agents of the same type are registered with Rational® Test Control Panel.
  3. Perform the actions described in the following table to configure the SSL settings in the <ssl>/<ssl> element:
    The attributes and the default values in the Agent.config file that you can configure are as follows:
    <ssl trustAll="true" trustStore="ssl\greenhat.jks" trustStorePassword="passphrase" trustStoreType="jks" protocol="SSL_TLSv2, TLS"/>
    Note: The SSL connection details that you want to use so that the agent can connect to Rational® Test Control Panel securely. The ssl element is optional. If the ssl element is not included, then the agent uses the Java keystore location and password that is found in the system properties and files.
    Attribute Value Description Action
    trustAll true
    The agent trusts all certificates presented by the server.
    Note: This is the default value.
    Retain this value if you want the agent to trust all certificates that are presented by the server.
    Note: When set to true, the trustStore, trustStoreType, and trustStorePassword attributes are ignored.
    false You must set the value to false, and then you must specify and use a different truststore if you want to use your own generated certificate. Set the value to false.
    trustStore keystore The path to the keystore that contains the trusted certificates and is used to verify the certificate that is presented by Rational® Test Control Panel.
    Note: The default value is set to the path of the ssl\greenhat.jks keystore. greenhat.jks is included with the Rational® Integration Tester Agent and contains the Rational® Integration Tester Root CA certificate.
    Perform any of the following actions:
    • No action is required from you if you set true as the value for the trustAll attribute.
    • Enter the path to the keystore that contains the custom certificate and the keystore that is used to verify the certificate, if you set false as the value for the trustAll attribute.
    trustStoreType keystore_type The type attribute specifies the type of the keystore.
    Note: The default value is jks.
    Perform any of the following actions:
    • No action is required from you if you set true as the value for the trustAll attribute.
    • Enter the keystore type that you want to use if you set false as the value for the trustAll attribute.
    trustStorePassword password The password attribute specifies the password that is used to load the keystore file.
    Note: The password for the default truststore is passphrase.
    Perform any of the following actions:
    • No action is required from you if you set true as the value for the trustAll attribute.
    • Enter the password that loads the keystore file that you want to use if you set false as the value for the trustAll attribute.
    protocol protocol The protocol attribute defines the SSL handshake protocol that is used to connect to the server.
    Note: The default value is SSL_TLSv2, TLS. The specified default options are checked for availability. SSL_TLSv2 protocol is supported by the JRE and, if it is unavailable, the TLS protocol is used.
    Perform any of the following actions:
    • No action is required from you, if you want the default values for the protocol to be used.
    • Enter the protocol that you want to use.
  4. Uncomment the <domains> element and enter one or more domains and environments, if you want to restrict the agent so that it is available only for specific domains and environments.
    • If Rational® Integration Tester Agent was installed in the agent mode, you must restrict the agent so that it is available only for specific domains and environments. This restriction is because the default Agent.config file makes the agent available for running stubs in all domains and environments that are managed by the server.
    • Each environment name value must end with a forward slash (/). Otherwise, the XML is rendered as invalid and the agent might not start.
  5. Save and close the Agent.config file.
    Note: If the agent was running when you modified the Agent.config file, you must restart the agent to apply the changes that you made.


You modified the Agent.config file to configure the agent to connect to Rational® Test Control Panel and retained or changed the SSL settings.

What to do next

To determine if Rational® Integration Tester Agent registered correctly, log in to Rational® Test Control Panel as an administrator and open the Infrastructure Dashboard. The registered agents and proxies are displayed.
Note: The server heartbeats with agents and proxies, so the server is aware if they stop running, and the agents or proxies are aware if the server stops running. The agent or proxy logs and Infrastructure Dashboard indicates this case if it happens. The environment recovers itself when the agent, proxy, or Rational® Test Control Panel is restarted.
Note: For example, if an environment is running with two or more agents and two or more Rational® Integration Tester proxies, and the server is restarted, the agents and proxies register automatically when Rational® Test Control Panel restarts and the agent or proxy need not be restarted manually.