Customizing an ISO 8583 schema

Before you import an ISO 8583 schema into Rational® Integration Tester, you must make two manual changes to the file.

About this task

Rational® Integration Tester can import an XSD file in Data Format Description Language (DFDL) that describes ISO 8583 message structures. By adding a namespace and an attribute to the file, you give Rational® Integration Tester the ability to automatically update the bitmask when it writes the ISO 8583 message.


  1. Using a text or XML editor, open the XSD grammar file for editing.
  2. Add the XML namespace attribute that is shown in bold to the xsd:schema tag:
    xsd:schema xmlns:ISO8583Format="" 
  3. Add the bitmask attribute that is shown in bold to each bitmap in the file.
    This includes the PrimaryBitmap, SecondaryBitmap, and possible TertiaryBitmap declaration.
    <xsd:element dfdl:lengthKind="implicit" ibmrit:bitmask="true" 
    name="PrimaryBitmap" type="PrimaryBitmapType"/>
  4. Save and close the file.