Configuring test suite reports for CentraSite

When you view the registered services from the Asset catalog in the CentraSite registry, the Specification tab contains a list of reports. The available report categories can differ from server to server, but there is typically a core set of fields or categories that are common among all servers.

Note: Users can define their own fields for publishing, so long as they are "file type" attributes and are associated with the "service object" type.

A summary execution report for any Rational® Integration Tester test suite that is executed against a registered service can be published to one of these fields. The fields that are available for publishing are managed in Rational® Integration Tester Library Manager and under the Management tab of the physical CentraSite resource (in Architecture School). For more information, see Managing CentraSite publication fields.

Note: The results for any test suite can be published to only one field at a time.