Creating physical UDP servers

If you want to use UCP transports to facilitate communication between clients and servers, you must create physical UDP servers.

About this task

In Rational® Integration Tester, a UDP transport can be used as a server for stubs or as a client for tests. Depending on whether a UDP transport will act as a server or client, the configuration settings are different.
Note: Currently, UDP transports support only publish and subscribe messaging actions.


  1. Open the Physical View of the Architecture School perspective.
  2. On the toolbar of the Physical View, click General > UDP Server.

    The UDP Server window is displayed.

    Alternatively, open the Logical View, right-click a UDP connection, and click Set Binding in > Environment name > Create new UDP Server on the shortcut menu.

  3. Optional: In the Name field, enter a name for the transport. Assigning a name helps to identify the transport if there is more than one UDP transport in your project.
  4. Click Settings, if necessary, to configure the basic settings of the transport. These settings are used to create the rule that defines which UDP traffic to record.
    The basic settings are described in the following table:
    Table 1. UDP Server window: Config tab, Settings tab


    The options are as follows:
    • Unicast: Information is sent from one point to another point, so there is only one sender and only one receiver.
    • Multicast: Information is sent from one or more points to a set of other points. However, the number of senders and the number of receivers can be different from each other. This is because although there are one or more senders, there might be no receivers or any other number of receivers.
      Note: Clicking Multicast changes the Hostname field in the Settings tab to Group field and makes the Socket Overrides settings on the Server tab on the Config tab unavailable because socket overrides are not applicable when using multicast mode.
    Note: This field is displayed only if Unicast is clicked in the Mode list.
    The host name or IP address of the computer that hosts the UDP server to which you want to connect.
    Note: If the UDP transport will act as a client, datagrams will be sent only to the host specified in this field.
    Note: This field is displayed only if Multicast is clicked in the Mode list.

    The IP multicast address to which you want to connect.


    The port number to which you want to connect.
    Note: If the UDP transport will be acting as a client, datagrams will be sent only to the host specified in this field.
  5. Optional: Click Client to specify optional socket settings for a client connection in a UDP transport.
    Rational® Integration Tester uses default receive and send buffer sizes. If you want to specify different buffer sizes, enter the values (in bytes) in the fields provided.
    Note: Any values entered will be treated only as hints to the socket and it might be ignored.
    The Socket Options settings are described in the following table:
    Table 2. UDP Server window: Config tab, Client tab, Socket Options settings

    Send buffer size

    One receiver can have many senders sending to it at the same time. Therefore, to accommodate all of the transmissions, the receiving buffer should be larger than the sum of the sending buffers.

    Receive buffer size

    Specify a receive buffer size.

  6. Optional: Click Server to specify socket override settings and optional socket settings for a server connection in a UDP transport.
    The Socket Overrides settings are described in the following table:
    Table 3. UDP Server window: Config tab, Server tab, Socket Overrides settings

    Bind Address

    If the UDP transport will be acting as a server, the socket will bind to the address specified in this field.

    If you do not enter a value in this field, the address specified in the HTTP Bind Address field in the Application page of Library Manager is used.

    If there is no address specified in the HTTP Bind Address field in Library Manager, the transport will bind to all local addresses on the computer that hosts the UDP server.


    If the UDP transport will be acting as a server, the socket will bind to the port number specified in the Port field on the Settings tab, unless you enter a port number in this field.

    Note: If you clicked Multicast in the Mode list on the Settings tab, Socket Overrides settings are unavailable because socket overrides are not applicable when using multicast mode.

    For information about the Socket Options settings, refer to Table 2.

  7. Click Test Transport to verify that the connection works.
  8. Click OK.


The new physical UDP server resource is added to your project.