Updating JCL

Before you can record and virtualize Db2® activity in COBOL and PL/I applications on z/OS® systems, you must update JCL for any batch jobs that you want to record.

Before you begin

You must have installed and configured both components of the agent. See Installing and configuring the agent for z/OS.


  1. Add your SEQAMOD data set in the batch job STEPLIB DD.

    You can ask your system programmer for this data set name. For more information, see the related links.

  2. When you depend on the information provided by the Agent for z/OS to the Profile Service in IBM z/OS Debugger to determine which batch jobs, steps, or programs to intercept (also known as running in Delay Debug mode), add the following CEEOPTS DD statement to each step to be intercepted:
    //CEEOPTS DD *
  3. If you do not use Delay Debug mode, you can set up the environment variables required to intercept Db2® calls from programs running in batch by following these steps:
    1. To set up environment variables, add a CEEOPTS DD statement. Replace AgentHostName and xxxx with the host name and port where the Agent for z/OS is running.
    2. Replace MY.COBOL.DBRM with the data set that contains your DBRM data sets, DB2A with the Db2® subsystem name, and 61b0f80e:16f67c779dd:-7d40 with the uuid from your Db2® z/OS Agent Filter.
      Note: You must supply a valid DBRM. The DBRM was created as part of the program compile process.
      //CEEOPTS DD *
            "EQA_DBG_RIT_ID=61B0F80E:16F67C779DD: -7D40")
      Note: A single Db2® z/OS Agent Filter can be used to record EXEC SQL statements from within programs that are running in CICS and programs that run as part of a batch job at the same time.