Exporting recorded events

To save the recorded events, you can export them to a Recording Studio history file or to IBM® Rational® Test Control Panel ( Rational® Test Control Panel).

Before you begin

Before you can export recorded events to Rational® Test Control Panel, you must ensure that your project is connected to a valid instance of Rational® Test Control Panel. To ensure that the connection is working correctly, click Project > Project Settings on the menu bar, click the Server Settings tab on the Project Settings window, and verify that a green checkmark icon is displayed next to the URL field on the Rational® Test Control Panel area of the tab. If there is no URL displayed or if there is a red cross icon next to the URL field, contact your Rational® Integration Tester project administrator.
Note: Before you export recorded events, the events are sorted by Timestamp in ascending order. When you import the recorded events, the events are in the order that they were recorded even if you sorted them before exporting them. For example, if you sort the recorded events by clicking the column headers and then clear all the events, the events table is still sorted in the same way as it was before clearing the events. Therefore, if you import the events again, they are sorted as the events table indicates and not necessarily in the same order as they are in the export file.

About this task

Exporting recorded events to a Recording Studio history file enables you to save recorded events during an Rational® Integration Tester user session and import those events into Recording Studio during a subsequent user session.

In contrast, exporting recorded events to the Rational® Test Control Panel enables you to perform the following tasks:
  • Search, view, edit, delete, and thus manage your recorded events data on the Library page of Rational® Test Control Panel.
    Note: In Rational® Test Control Panel, you can edit only the meta-data that describes recorded events.
  • After editing or deleting your recorded events data, you can import the data from Rational® Test Control Panel into your Rational® Integration Tester project and use it to create tests and stubs.
    Note: There are limitations with importing recorded events into a project that is different from the project from which they were exported. For more information about this, see http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21647162.
  • Share your recorded events with other users in the same domain.
  • The Rational® Test Control Panel export capability is available only in Rational® Integration Tester 8.5.1 or later. The Library page of the server is available only in Rational® Test Control Panel 8.5.1 or later.
  • If you are using or later and domain-level security is enabled, you can export recorded events only to domains to which you have been granted access.


  1. Open the Recording Studio perspective.
  2. Create an event monitor if required.
  3. Start a recording session.
  4. Generate events or wait for the system under test to generate events (whichever is applicable).
  5. On the upper half of the Events View window, select one or more recorded events.
  6. On the toolbar of the Events View window, click Export selected events (Export selected events).

    The Export Recorded Events wizard is displayed.

  7. Select an export option:
    • File
    • Rational® Test Control Panel
  8. To export recorded events to a file:
    1. Click File and Next. The Save window is displayed.
    2. In the File name field, enter a name a name for the file. The file extension .rsh (Recording Studio history) will be added automatically.
    3. Click Save. The Export to file window is displayed. The specified location and file name are displayed in the Export events to field.
    4. Optional: Click Browse if you want to change the location or the file name.
    5. Click Finish.
  9. To export recorded events to Rational® Test Control Panel:
    1. Click Rational® Test Control Panel and Next. The Export to Rational® Test Control Panel window is displayed.
    2. In the Artifact name field, enter a name for the selected recorded events.
    3. In the Recorded environment list, click the environment to which you want to export the selected events. The environments displayed in the Recorded environment list depend on the domain selected in the Domain list on Server Settings tab on the Project Settings window.
    4. Optional: In the Short description field, enter a brief description for the selected recorded events.
    5. Optional: In the Description field, enter a full description for the selected recorded events.
    6. Optional: In the Labels field, enter metadata for the selected recorded events (use spaces to separate the labels). The metadata will help Rational® Test Control Panel users when searching for the selected recorded events in Rational® Test Control Panel. The metadata will also help you if you want to import the selected recorded events from Rational® Test Control Panel into your project.
    7. Click Finish.


The selected recorded events are exported to the specified Recording Studio history file or to the specified Rational® Test Control Panel instance (whichever is applicable).

If exporting to Rational® Test Control Panel, the Recording Studio history file is uploaded to Rational® Test Control Panel with information about the currently selected domain in your project and information about the relevant environment that is embedded in the recorded events data. However, other project metadata is not sent to Rational® Test Control Panel.