Subscribing to MQ messages

Subscribing to MQ messages requires only the name of the local queue from which messages are reviewed or retrieved. More filtering options, however, are available if needed.


  1. Enter the name of a local IBM® MQ queue that can be found on the queue manager. Select Browse from the drop-down to browse a list of available queues in the Queue Name Selector. Type the first few characters of the queue name in the text box to filter the list of queue names.
  2. If needed, enter filter criteria for messages under the Message Selector section. If no filtering is required, these fields can be left blank.
  3. Select Watch or Participate to define the mode that Rational® Integration Tester uses to receive messages.
  4. Enter a message (for example, This is an Rational® Integration Tester message) in the text (String) field.
  5. Enter a timeout value, if needed, to set the number of milliseconds after which the subscriber stops waiting for the message (the default, 0, indicates that the subscriber will wait indefinitely).
  6. Click OK to close the message editor.