Creating physical JVM resources

A physical JVM resource provides high-level filtering that you can use to intercept and record only Java method calls relating to the Java application to be intercepted and recorded. You can create a physical representation of the Java virtual machine (JVM) of a Java application.

About this task

A physical JVM resource can have several properties that can help to identify a particular instance.
You can specify the following properties of a physical JVM resource:
  • The name of the physical JVM resource displayed in the Physical View of the Architecture School perspective.
  • The name of the host where the Java virtualization agent is running.
  • An instance name, which refers to the identifier configurable setting in the registration.xml file of the agent.
Note: All of these properties are optional.


  1. Open the Physical View of the Architecture School perspective that can help to identify a particular instance.
  2. On the toolbar of the Physical View, click General > JVM.
  3. Optionally, do any of the following tasks:
  • In the Name field, enter a name for the new logical Java application resource.
  • In the Host field, enter a host name or IP address.
  • In the Instance Name, enter an instance name.
    Note: If you leave the Host and Instance Name fields blank, at run time, this physical JVM resource will interact with all of the JVMs that are registered with IBM® Rational® Test Control Panel.
  1. Click OK.


Rational® Integration Tester creates the specified physical JVM resource in your project.
Note: To complete the creation of a Java method transport, you must bind the physical JVM resource to a logical Java application resource in your project.
Note: Rational® Integration Tester 8.0.1 or later provides a sift-and-pass-through capability for any message-based stubs that use HTTP, IBM® WebSphere® MQ, or webMethods Integration Server transports. Rational® Integration Tester 8.5.0 or later extends this capability to the Java method transport. If you want to configure the default pass-through action for all Java method transports, use the Pass-through window on the Virtualization page of the Preferences window. The default pass-through action can be modified for each stub.