Creating tests with the Subscribe MEP

You can use the subscribe messaging pattern in your tests. When you use the subscribe action in a test in Rational® Integration Tester, the message received in the email account of the recipient is pulled into your project and can be viewed without opening the email account.

Before you begin

You must have configured the email accounts for the Subscribe MEP. See Configuring the MEP settings for the email transport.

You must have created an operation and opened the operation in the Test Factory view to perform this task.


  1. Create a test that uses MEP by right-clicking the operation and selecting New > Tests > Tests using MEP.
  2. Enter a name for the test and then click OK.

    For example, the name of the test can be Test_Subscribe.

    The test is created in the operation. Because the MEP for the Subscribe action was configured, the test is created with the settings configured for the Subscribe action in the MEP tab for an operation. The transport that was set in the MEP tab for the operation is selected.

    For example, the Subscribe action is displayed in the Test Factory for the email resource that shows the schema as text and the email as the transport resource.Image of the subscribe action in the test.
  3. Select your action from the following options:
    • You can run the test with the parameters configured for the MEP. Go to Step 5.
    • You can modify any of the parameters in the test before you run it or if you have duplicated the operation and want to run a different test by modifying the parameters copied, go to Step 4.
  4. Modify any of the settings that you want to specify in the test by completing the following steps:

    The MEP settings that you configured in the MEP tab for the operation are displayed.

    1. Double-click the Subscribe test step.
      The Subscribe window is displayed with the settings configured in the MEP tab for the operation.Image of the Subscribe test step window.
    2. Modify any of the following parameters for the email properties:
      • Select the email transport.
      • Enter the name of the folder from which the email messages are to be subscribed to in the Email Folder field.
        For example, you can add Inbox as the email folder.
        Note: The email folder you specify here overrides the folder that you configured for the physical transport.
      • Retain or clear the selections for the Unseen or Mark as Read options.
        Note: The Unseen and Mark as Read check boxes are displayed as the default selections and the following default actions are performed when you subscribe to messages in the email folder:
        • The messages that are not yet seen or read by the recipient are subscribed.
        • The subscribed messages are marked as read in that email folder.
      • You can add new properties for the parameters in the Parameters tab by clicking New and entering the Name and Value for each parameter.

      • You might want to change the value in the Timeout field, if the message you subscribe from the email account is not retrieved within the set default value or if an error due to a timeout is displayed when you run the test.
  5. Run the test.


You have created and run a test that uses the Subscribe messaging pattern.