Interface definitions

You can define interfaces for the echo behavior.

Behavior interface

package com.example.behaviour.echo;
public interface Echo extends LifecycleAwareBehaviour
void say( String phrase );

Behavior factory

package com.example.behaviour.echo;
import java.util.Map;
public class EchoFactory implements BehaviourFactory<Echo>
public EchoFactory()
public Echo create( BehaviourServices services,
Map<String, Object> configuration, Object callback )
String echoCountKey = "echoCountKey";
int echoCount = 1;
if ( configuration.containsKey( echoCountKey ) )
echoCount = (Integer)configuration.get( 
echoCountKey );
return new EchoImpl( (EchoListener)callback, 
echoCount );

The echo behavior implementation is shown in the following section.

Behavior implementation

package com.example.behaviour.echo.impl;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
public class EchoImpl implements Echo
private final EchoListener callback;
private final int echoCount;
private final Executor executor = 
public EchoImpl( EchoListener callback, int 
echoCount )
this.callback = callback;
this.echoCount = echoCount;
public void say( final String phrase )
executor.execute( new Runnable()
public void run()
for( int i = 0; i < echoCount; i++ )
callback.onEcho( phrase );

Callback interface

package com.example.behaviour.echo;
public interface EchoListener
void onEcho( string phrase );

IBM® Rational® Test Virtualization Server stubs will be able to invoke the say(String phrase) operation of this behaviour and can opt to handle the onEcho(String phrase) event.

Create a behavior factory class and add an implementation for the new behavior. The factory will retrieve configuration from the supplied configuration map and use it to parameterize the echo behavior instance: