Creating a response file manually

To silently install or upgrade Rational® Functional Tester, you can use a response file that contains the data required to install the product.

Before you begin

View the sample response file and know the parameters that you must change for your installation environment. For more information, see Sample response file.

For complete details about response files and silent installation, see the response file section in the Installation Manager information center.


  1. Open the Sample response file topic to view the sample code. You can also find the sample response files in the product install location\hclonetest\FunctionalTester\RQMAdapter\RTLM_BuildForgeScripts\SampleResponse location.
  2. Copy the code from the sample response file to a text editor and save it as a .xml file.
  3. Edit the required parameters that are specific to your installation environment and save the file.

What to do next

Installing and upgrading Rational Functional Tester in silent mode