Insert Image Verification Point Command page
Use this page to create an image verification point for the selected object or the image. The image verification point compares the image of the selected object or the specified image region with the object in the application under test when you play back the script.
The Insert Image Verification Point Command page has the
following controls:
- Verification Point Name
- Accept the suggested default name or type a new name.
- Select full image
- To create an image verification point for the selected object or the full screen captured using Capture Screen Image tool.
- Select a region of the image
- To capture a region of the selected object or the screen to perform image verification test. Use the Region Tool icon to select the region.
- Select region button
- This option is enabled if you want to select a region of the image.
Select the Region Tool icon
and drag it over the image to position the mouse pointer at the starting point of the region. Without releasing the left mouse button, right-click and drag it to highlight the region of the image.
- Selected region's dimension
- This option is enabled if you choose to select a region of the image. The X and Y co-ordinates from the upper-left corner of the screen for the selected region are displayed. The total Width and Height of the selected region are also displayed. If required, you can edit the values instead of recapturing the region of the image.
- Include Retry Parameters
- Select this checkbox to set a retry time for a verification point
during playback. Retry time provides time for the object to be displayed
before the test checks for its existence. The retry option is useful
when playback does not find the verification point immediately in
your application. Use the default values or set your own time. The
following controls are enabled:
- Maximum Retry Time: Accept the default or type the maximum number of seconds. Rational® Functional Tester retries up to the specified time for the verification point to appear in your application during playback.
- Retry Interval: Accept the default or type the number of seconds. Rational® Functional Tester checks the application every specified interval for the verification point to be displayed.
Note: When you insert an image verification point without recording, the Include Retry Parameters option is not displayed on the Insert Image Verification Point Command page