Running recorders and clients without a UI

To test recorders, clients, and decorators during the development process, you can run those elements before any UI components are ready to start the recorders, clients, and decorators.

You can start a recording session that includes the recorders or clients that you have developed by using a recording session configuration file. This file specifies which recorders and clients to start and the options for the recorders and clients to use.

The following file is an example of such a configuration file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<__PT_EXTERNAL__:session xmlns:__PT_EXTERNAL__="__PT_EXTERNAL__">
   <rec:myRecorder <-- recorder configuration -->
   <cli:myClient <-- client configuration -->
   <__PT_EXTERNAL__:binding client="myClient1" recorder="myRecorder1"/>

In the preceding example, replace with the name of the plug-in that defines the recorder and the client. Replace myRecorder with the recorder ID and myClient with the client ID. The option1 and option2 attributes can be replaced by attributes that the recorder supports. You can replace the optionA attribute with an attribute that the client supports. You must save the file with the .recconfig extension.

In the configuration file, a session node can contain as many recorder configurations and client configurations as required. All the recorders and clients that are referred to are launched together and the options from the configuration file are passed to them. All recorders and clients must have id attributes so the recorder and clients can be referred to in a binding node. Examples of recording session configuration files can be generated by opening an existing recording session and clicking File > Save Recording Configuration As.

To start a recording session from a recording configuration file, right-click the file, and then select Start Recording Session.