Running Rational® Integration Tester tests

You can use Rational® Functional Tester Extension for IBM® Rational® Integration Tester to run IBM® Rational® Integration Tester tests.

You can install both the products on the same machine, establish the connection, and run Rational® Integration Tester tests. See Testing with Rational® Integration Tester.

You also have the option to just import the projects to Rational® Performance Tester Rational® Integration Tester, add the tests to a compound test to run them. You can either use Rational® Performance Tester Agent or Rational® Integration Tester Agent to generate the load. You need a compound test that contains the Rational® Integration Tester tests.

Setting environment variable

To run the tests with Rational® Integration Tester Agent, set the environment variable INTEGRATION_TESTER_AGENT_HOME and point it to the Rational® Integration Tester Agent installation directory.

On Linux, set:
If the variable is not set, you will get a test log with error message when the compound test is run. Error message when the environment variable is not set

Running the compound test

  • Click Run Compound Test.

    After the run completes, the Rational® Integration Tester report displays statistics on the executed sequences and Timed Sections if some are defined in the tests.