EGit integration

EGit is an Eclipse plugin for the Git version control system. You can store your test assets in the Git repository and use EGit for the daily version control operations.

When you install the product, by default EGit is part of the product. To avoid the clutter, EGit is a separate Eclipse perspective in the product. For more information about EGit, read its documentation.

Open perspective dialog

In Eclipse perspective, when you initialize a new Git repository for a project, a .gitignore file is created in the project folder, by default. While committing the contents of a project to Git, the .gitignore file ignores the report files.
  • After you pull a project in Git perspective, 'Project is missing required Library' error appears in the Verify Problems tab. This error occurs due to the .classpath file which is specific to a workspace or system and needs to be pointed to the newly imported location. To resolve this issue:
    1. Under Package Explorer, from the required project, navigate to Java Build Path > Libraries.
    2. Delete all the jar files that are missing after the pull. These files are marked with a red cross.
    3. Playback the project. The required jar files are added to the project.
  • You can also specify additional file types in the .gitignore file so that these file types are ignored while committing the project contents to Git.