Testing shared assets with Rational® Quality Manager

You can make test projects and assets shareable in Rational® Quality Manager. By sharing assets, any computer with your product, that is connected to Rational® Quality Manager can execute a test or schedule.

Before you begin

When you are working with tests or schedules from a remote shared location, Rational® Performance Tester uses a local workspace for the Rational® Quality Manager adapter. This adapter workspace is different from normal workspaces because the test assets are stored remotely. This means that every asset that is related to the test or schedule is downloaded from the shared location into the local workspace before execution. The following limitations apply:
  • Assets in the adapter workspace might be deleted or overwritten with newer versions when updates are made to the shared location.

  • If you change the shared location in the adapter workspace, the entire project is removed from the adapter workspace.

  • Test results are stored in a different project, called RQM_Results, and are never deleted. The Rational® Quality Manager test result page links to the correct location.

Note: Do not edit test assets in the adapter workspace because you might lose your work. You must use these assets only for running tests and schedules.
If you are using source control and want to include only the minimum required assets, then include the following files:
  • All *.testsuite tests and schedule files

  • The /src directory if you use custom code

  • All *.dp dataset files

  • All *.location location files

  • All digital certificates

  • All WSDL and SOA security files

Note: All other assets, such as test results, are not required.

Custom code Java classes in the shared assets cannot use libraries that are outside the workspace. If your custom code must use such a library, then copy the library into the project, and update the classpath to use the local copy.


  1. Create a shared directory on the computer that hosts the UNC file system that contains the test projects to share.
    For example, create a directory called: C:\MyRemoteWorkspace.
  2. Copy the test projects to share into the shared directory.
    If a project is stored in source control software, then copy it from there.
  3. Check that the Rational® Quality Manager server can access the shared directory by using UNC paths.
    For example, the \\MyServer\RPTRemoteAssets\ path must be mapped to the C:\MyRemoteWorkspace directory.
  4. In Rational® Quality Manager, specify the directory that contains the actual test projects that are located in the shared directory.
  5. Verify that you have correctly specified the UNC shared directory by browsing for the shared resource. Ensure that the first dialog box contains the projects at the first level.
    You must not have intermediate directories between the UNC shared directory and the project directory.