Running a Web UI test using IBM® Rational® Quality Manager

Another way to automate your testing is to use IBM® Rational® Quality Manager. With Rational® Quality Manager, you can run an individual Web UI test or specify a particular browser to run the test on. You can also accelerate your testing by running the test on all browsers and mobile devices simultaneously or on a selected set of browsers.

About this task

To run a test from Rational® Quality Manager you first define a test in RQM that includes the path to the Web UI test. You then configure and run the Rational® Quality Manager adapter that is installed by default when you install HCL OneTest UI.


  1. Using the Test Workbench script details page of a Rational® Quality Manager test script, associate a Web UI test script with the Rational® Quality Manager script as shown below:

    Test Workbench script details in RQM test

    Be sure to specify the value in the Script Path field to be the path to the Web UI test script. For additional details, see Creating a reference to an automated test script on a local test machine.

  2. To run the test on a set of browsers or on all browsers and connected mobile devices, go to the Execution Variables page of the Rational® Quality Manager test script and specify the execution variable to pass to the script.

    Execution variables

    1. To run the test on all available browsers and connected mobile devices, use the execution variable AllAvailableTargetsInParallel and specify the value as All.
    2. To run the test on a selected set of browsers, use the execution variable AllAvailableTargetsInParallel and specify the value as a comma-separated list of browsers, for example, chrome, ff.
    3. To run the test on a particular browser, use the execution variable RTW_WebUI_Browser_Selection and specify the browser as the value, for example, chrome.
      Note: You can also use RTW_WebUI_Browser_Selection as a test variable in the HCL OneTest UI Web UI Test perspective. For details, see Defining a variable to run a test with a selected browser.
  3. Save the test and run it using the Rational® Quality Manager adapter.