Creating multiple test engines (optional)

Test engines are instances of HCL OneTest API that execute performance tests. Each new agent includes a single test engine instance called default. This test engine can run one distributed test at a time. If required, you can configure additional test engines on a single agent to run multiple tests simultaneously.

About this task

The Agent.config file, which is located in <HCL OneTest API Agent installation directory>\config, defines internal agent parameters and test engine names.

To create multiple engines, follow these steps:


  1. Some of the contents of the Agent.config file are shown, which includes two engine instances, 1 and 2.

    Performance test engines section of agent config file

  2. To enable test engines, remove the comment characters that surround the <instance name> tags.
    The first tag renames the default instance to "1" and the second tag adds a second instance named "2". You can add more instance names as required. Each additional engine starts a new instance in the agent, and each instance requires the same amount of memory as the original. For example, if the agent uses 512 MB of memory when it is running one engine, and you add the two instance names that are shown, the total memory footprint is 1 GB.
  3. To enable any changes that you made by modifying the Agent.config file, restart the agent.