Configuring the TIBCO BusinessWorks probe

The TIBCO BusinessWorks probe runs on a TIBCO BusinessWorks TRA file that is configured in the Architecture School Physical View. The TRA file is associated when a BusinessWorks project is added to an __PTS_RR_NAME__ project.

About this task

To configure the default probe or add another probe, edit the TRA file and click the Probes tab.


  1. Open the TRA file and click the Probes tab. TIBCO BusinessWorks TRA file Probe tab
  2. Choose any of the following options.
    • To add a new probe, click Add > TIBCO BusinessWorks.
    • To copy an existing probe, select the probe and click Copy.
    • To delete a probe, select the probe and click Remove.
    • To configure an existing probe, select it and modify its settings in the configuration panel on the right.
    • For probes other than the default one, you can enter a name in the Name field. Set the interval (in seconds) at which statistics are to be collected in the Collect statistics every ... field.
    • To select or change the agent that hosts the selected probe, click Browse next to the Hosting agent field and select the agent from the project resource tree.
    • To clear the current selection, click Clear.
    • You can modify the default Hawk connection settings by clicking Edit next to the current connection description.Edit Hawk Connection Settings window
    • Configure the settings to specify the Hawk connection transport and BusinessWorks domain, and click OK when finished.
    • Click Discover to search for active BusinessWorks processes that are using the specified Hawk transport. Click Stop to terminate the search early.
    • Expand the hosts to show their associated BW processes.
    • Select the Collect check boxes to select the processes. Screen tips show the last time that this BusinessWorks engine was recorded as active within this __PTS_RR_NAME__ project.
    • Select or clear the box for the host name to turn on or off all processes.
    • Right-click an entry to delete it from the configuration.
    • The frequency of data collection is set in the Collection interval field. Click Finish to complete the configuration and quit the dialog box.