Stubbing settings for the email transport

You can specify the stubbing settings depending on the message exchange pattern (MEP) defined for the email transport.

Before you begin

You must have defined a service component and an operation under the service component. See Creating a service component and Creating an operation


  1. Double-click the operation in the Logical View tab of Architecture School perspective.

    The Operation dialog box is displayed.

  2. Click the Stub tab.

    The Stub tab is displayed.

  3. Complete the following steps in the Stub tab:
    1. Click Browse.
    2. Select the physical email resource as the required transport in the Select a Resource dialog box.

      Refer to the following table for the options and the action you can take:

      Option Action
      No If you select No, you can select any transport in the project.
      Yes If you select Yes, you can select only transports that are referenced (directly or indirectly) by the operation that contains the test.
      Only Direct If you select Only Direct, you can select only transports that are referenced directly by the operation that contains the test.
    3. Click OK in the Select a Resource dialog box.
    Note: The Default Timeout section contains common settings for stub replies. No change is required. The response time is managed by the stubs execution engine in HCL OneTest API.
  4. Click OK.


You have configured the stubbing settings in the operation.

What to do next

You can now create stubs based on the stubbing settings for the operation from the Test Factory view.