Evaluating results

To check whether or not the test ran successfully, you can open the report. You can also view each recorded functional action in the report.

About this task

The report is in a tabular format and displays the application that was tested, its execution status, and duration of the test. Each action is displayed in a row with the screen capture of the action highlighted and the time taken for that action from the beginning of the test.

If you added verification points to the test, you can also view the verification points entries in the report. The Execution Status of the report displays Failure, if the verification points fails.

You can view the test reports either on the mobile device, on an emulator, or on the Rational® Performance Tester.


  1. To view the test reports from mobile client or emulator:
    1. Open Rational® Performance Tester and click Managed Apps.
    2. Select the app for which you want to view the results.
    3. Click Test and click a test for which you want to view the reports.
    4. Click Reports.
  2. To view the test reports from the workbench:
    1. From the Test Navigator, expand the project folder and double-click the test reports. Each report begins with the name of the test, and ends with the timestamp of the run in brackets. If the Test Navigator is logically arranged, expand the product folder and then the Mobile Reports folder.