Enabling Mozilla Firefox for Web UI testing

Before you can record a Web UI test of a web application that is already running in the Firefox browser, you must first install the HCL OneTest UI Web UI browser extension for Firefox.

About this task

If you are using Firefox v54 and later, you should install the new Firefox web extension. There are Web UI extensions for the different versions of Firefox: for Firefox until v53, and from Firefox v54.
To get the Web UI extension for Firefox, navigate to default shared directory IBMIMShared of HCL OneTest UI.
  • Until Firefox v53: Two files are available webuirecorderextension-windows.xpi for Windows and webuirecorderextension-linux.xpi for Linux in the WebUIRecorderExtension folder.
    Note: For example:
    • On a Windows computer, the directory could be as follows:
      C:\Program Files\IBM\IBMIMShared\plugins\com.ibm.rational.test.rtw.webgui.browextension.firefox_version number\WebUIRecorderExtension/
    • On a Linux computer, the directory could be as follows:
      /opt/IBM/IBMIMShared/plugins/com.ibm.rational.test.rtw.webgui.browextension.firefox_version number/WebUIRecorderExtension
  • From Firefox v54 and later, the webuirecorder_webext.xpi file is available in the WebUIRecorderWebExtension folder. You can use this extension file on Windows, on Linux and on Mac OS.


  1. Navigate to the appropriate folder to select the Web UI browser extension for Firefox.
  2. In Firefox, click Tools > Add-ons > , and then click Extensions.
  3. Drag the appropriate extension file webuirecorderextension-windows.xpi , webuirecorderextension-linux.xpi or webuirecorder_webext.xpi to the list of extensions on the Firefox Extensions page.
  4. When prompted, select the extension, and click Install Now.

    Firefox displays a message indicating that the extension was installed successfully.

What to do next

Record a test using an existing instance of the Firefox browser. See Recording a Web UI test by using a running browser instance for details.

To record a test on Mozilla® Firefox® browser 54 or later, you need to select a user profile that is associated to the extension plug-in. For details, see Recording a Web UI test.