Configuring Android applications for mobile testing

You can configure and add an Android application to a Web UI test project. You can then record a mobile test to perform actions on the Android application and automate the mobile testing.

Before you begin

You must have created a Web UI test project to add the Android application.


  1. Go to the Web UI Test perspective in HCL OneTest UI.
  2. Click Display available mobile and Web UI applications icon for mobile and web ui view in the toolbar.
    The Mobile and Web UI Applications view is displayed.
  3. Click Add android application to list .

    The Add android application dialog box is displayed.

  4. Complete the action for each option described in the following table:
    Option Action
    Open the list of predefined application configurations image of the button for preconfigured applications
    1. Click image of the button for preconfigured applications.
    2. Select the application from the Choose Android Application dialog box.
    3. Click OK.
    Note: If you select the application, then the other fields are autopopulated with the name of the selected application.
    Package Name

    Perform the following action if you have not autopopulated the fields by using the Open the list of predefined application configurations button.

    Enter the name of the Android application package. For more information on the package name, refer to related links.

    For example, the package name for YouTube is

    Application name

    Perform the following action if you have not autopopulated the fields by using the Open the list of predefined application configurations button.

    Enter a name for the application that enables you to identify the mobile application.

    For example, the application name can be add_video.

    Activity name

    Perform the following action if you have not autopopulated the fields by using the Open the list of predefined application configurations button.

    Edit the name of the Android application package that is prefixed to .MainActivity when you want to change the name of the application package. The name of the application package is prefixed to .MainActivity when you enter the name in the Package Name field.

    For example,


    Perform the following action if you have not autopopulated the fields by using the Open the list of predefined application configurations button.

    Enter a number that you want to identify the version of the mobile application used for the test.

    For example, the version number can be dev_bld_V123.

    Application description Enter a description for the application.

    For example, the application description can be Test add video in bld V123.

  5. Click Next.
    The Application Package Location page is displayed.
  6. Select a project and enter a file name in the File name field.
  7. Click Finish.
    The Android application is configured and added to the Mobile and Web UI Applications folder of the selected project and is displayed in the Mobile and Web UI Applications view.