Running rvtrace

When you run rvtrace on Windows, you must install WinPcap, which is included in the __PTS_RR_NAME__ installation program. For more information, see __PTS_RR_NAME__ overview.

The WinPcap software installs DLL files that rvtrace requires to capture RVD messages. You also need to ensure that the network interface that is used is the correct one (specified with the -i command-line option). If you do not use the correct interface, rvtrace cannot collect any data. You can find network device names in the Windows registry or you can run WinDump, which is the Windows version of tcpdump, the command-line network analyzer for Unix-like systems. (WinDump can be downloaded from the WinPcap website.)

For example, if you run a command of the following format:

windump -D

The output might look similar to the following:

1.\Device\NPF_GenericDialupAdapter (Generic dialup adapter)
2.\Device\NPF_{AC533C74-32A4-44AD-8675-5A16D50D0170} (3Com EtherLink PCI)

You can use this information when you run the rvtrace command.

For example:

rvtrace -i \Device\NPF_{AC533C74-32A4-44AD-8675-5A16D50D0170} -u 60 -snmp -no-display

Unix-like systems

When you run rvtrace on Unix-like systems, no other software is required. However, rvtrace must be able to open the network port in promiscuous mode, which requires super user permissions.

Typically, the rvtrace program has "set user to root" enabled. If this is true, it can be run as a normal user. (Contact your system administrator if you need assistance or to verify this.)

You must configure rvtrace to monitor the correct network port. A list of network interfaces can be displayed by running ifconfig.

For example:

host% /sbin/ifconfig -a
lo0: flags=1000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 8232 index 1 inet netmask ff000000
hme0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2 inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast

In this case, the hme0 interface is used when you run the rvtrace command:

rvtrace -i hme0 -u 60 -snmp -no-display