Configuring Java environments for testing

You need to configure your JREs for Java testing with HCL OneTest UI. This provides path, run options, and other information that HCL OneTest UI needs to access and use your JREs. You use the Java Environments tab of the Enable Environments dialog box to do this.

About this task

To add and configure your JREs:


  1. Click Configure > Enable Environments for Testing from HCL OneTest UI.
  2. Click on the Java Environments tab.

    This tab is used to add and edit JRE configurations.

  3. Add your JRE(s) by one of the following methods:


    To add a new JRE by searching, click the Search button.

    This opens the Search for Java Environments dialog box. Choose one of the search options in that dialog and click the Search button. Note: You should not use the Search All Drives option to find JREs on Linux® or UNIX® systems. Instead use the Search In option and browse for the JRE. See Enabling Java Environments for information on the search options. HCL OneTest UI will fill in all the detailed information on each JRE, except for the Run Options field.


    To add a new environment manually, click the Add button.

    The Add Java Environment dialog appears.

    Browse to the JRE you want to add. You can select any directory under the root of the JRE, or the root directory itself.

    With the file selected, click the Add button.

    The JRE will then show up in the Java Environments list.

  4. Look at the information in the Detailed Information list. Whether you use Search or Add, HCL OneTest UI will fill in all the detailed information on each JRE, except for the Run Options field. Make any necessary edits.

    For information on these fields, see the Java Environments tab of the Enable Environments dialog box.

  5. Choose which JRE you want to be your default environment used in playback. Select the JRE in the list, and click the Set as Default button.

    That JRE will then become the default, and will be indicated in parentheses. You can change the default any time by coming back to this tab. You can also override the default environment for a specific application, by indicating it in the JRE field in the Application Configuration Tool.

  6. You must click OK or Apply to save the changes you made.
    Note: Once a JRE has been added, you can edit its information any time by opening this tab and selecting it in the Java Environments list.