The Google Chrome browser was not enabled properly for testing.

The Google Chrome browser was not enabled properly for functional testing.
Recording and playback of scripts that are used to test applications running on Google Chrome browsers fail.

If you suspect that the Google Chrome browser has not been successfully enabled for functional testing, use the diagnostic tool to test the enablement of the Google Chrome browser in the Enable Environments for Testing dialog box. The tool offers quick and simple directions to solve the problems it finds. Click the Test button to open the Browser Enablement Diagnostic Tool.

The browser may not have been properly enabled due to any of the following reasons:
  • No Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) has been associated with the browser, or the associated JRE is not enabled. To resolve this, associate Sun JRE 1.6 Update 10 with the Google Chrome browser, and enable the JRE. For instructions to enable the JRE, see Enabling Java environments.
  • The default port specified for the web server used for Google Chrome testing is being used by another application on the workstation. Specify a port number that is not in use, in the Webserver Configuration page in the HCL OneTest UI Preferences dialog box, and in the Options for the extension HCL OneTest UI for Google Chrome™. For instructions to do this, see Changing the web server port for communication with Google Chrome.
    Note: Ensure that you specify the same port number in both places. The port number for the web server is used when you enable the browser manually in the Enable Environments for Testing dialog box. Enablement fails if the port number has not been specified at both locations.