HTML and HTML 5 support

HCL OneTest UI supports testing traditional HTML applications that are loaded in a browser. Through the Web UI Test perspective, HCL OneTest UI also supports testing HTML 5-based applications in desktop and mobile browsers.

HCL OneTest UI supports testing HTML applications that are loaded in the following browsers:
  • Mozilla Firefox: See Software Product Compatibility Reports for information on the supported versions of the Mozilla Firefox browser.
    Learn more about support for Mozilla Firefox browsers:
    • HCL OneTest UI supports changing the browser zoom level during recording in Mozilla Firefox browsers. In some operating systems, in Mozilla Firefox browsers, zooming during recording may not work as expected. As a workaround to this problem, in the browser, click View > Zoom > Zoom Text Only.


    • Mozilla Firefox on Linux:
      • Basic HTML testing is supported on Linux.
      • Testing Java applets on Linux is not supported.
    • JavaScript alert dialog boxes: HCL OneTest UI supports testing of normal dialog boxes. On JavaScript alert or confirmation dialog boxes in Mozilla Firefox 4.0 or later browsers, you can record using key strokes, but not using the mouse.
    • Multiple Firefox versions: When testing applications on computers with multiple Mozilla Firefox versions, enabling more than one version of Firefox for testing is not supported. Only the version used for testing must be enabled.
    • Adobe Flex applications:
      • Testing Flex applications is supported only on 32-bit browsers
      • Testing Flex applications is only supported up to Mozilla Firefox version 10.
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer: See Software Product Compatibility Reports for information on the supported versions of the Internet Explorer browser.
    Learn more about support for Internet Explorer browsers:
    • HCL OneTest UI supports HTML applications loaded in tabs in Internet Explorer 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, and 11.0.
    • HCL OneTest UI supports changing the browser zoom level during recording in Internet Explorer browsers.


    • For Guest users in Internet Explorer, with the Protected mode ON, recording and playback of functional test scripts do not work as expected.
    • Recording on HTML dialog boxes that are embedded in other domains like Java, .NET and Windows is not supported. To perform actions on such embedded dialog boxes, edit the script manually using the getScreen().inputKeys() or getScreen.inputChars() API where required.
    • On 64-bit operating systems, recording and playback on 64-bit Internet Explorer 9.0 browsers that are embedded in 64-bit Java, .NET or Windows or other applications are not supported.
    • While testing applications in Internet Explorer 10.0, if the application display has been set to use an older compatibility mode, make sure that you test the application in compatibility mode.
    • Testing Flex applications is supported only on 32-bit browsers. Testing Flex applications on 64-bit Internet Explorer browsers is not supported.
  • Google Chrome: see Preparing for functional testing in Google Chrome browsers
  • Microsoft® Edge: see Running a script from the Microsoft Edge browser
Note: For information on the versions of Java that you must have to support testing of Java that is used in applets, see the related topic on Java support.
Important: If you enabled Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browser for HCL OneTest UI, the latest Java update must be associated with the browser. If not done, security messages prompt up when you open the browser and Java will be blocked.

The following table lists the browsers that run on Windows® and Linux® operating systems.

Browser Windows® Linux®
Mozilla Firefox Yes Yes
Microsoft® Internet Explorer Yes No
Google Chrome Yes Yes
Microsoft® Edge Yes No
Note: For specific information on the browser versions and the associated JREs that are supported, see Software Product Compatibility Reports.
The following table provides information about JRE versions, the next-generation plug-in settings, and supported domains:
Component types Support details
Supported browser versions All versions of Microsoft® Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox supported by HCL OneTest UI.
  • In case of Mozilla Firefox version 18 or higher, or Google Chrome, use JRE 1.7 Update 51. You can either enable or disable NGP; it works as expected in both the cases.
  • In case of Microsoft Internet Explorer, you must disable NGP. If you have NGP enabled, then ensure that you turn on Automatic enablement (To turn on automatic enablement, click Window > Preferences > Functional Test, then select the Automatic enablement check box).
Supported domains All domains supported by HCL OneTest UI.
Manual settings required for specific domains, if any For Adobe Flex and Siebel, enable the environment manually.

HCL OneTest UI supports testing of Microsoft® HTML Applications (MSHTA). Before you can test a Microsoft® HTA application, you must configure it by using the Application Configuration tool to start the mshta.exe file as the executable file. For more information, see the related topics section.

When you record a script, HCL OneTest UI creates a test object map for the application under test. The test object map contains descriptions of all test objects to which the script refers. The test object maps that HCL OneTest UI creates for HTML applications are often more hierarchical than those created for Java applications. The highest level of the test object map is a browser and the HTML application is inside the browser. For more information, see the example of a test object map that is created for a HTML application.

Two versions of the deleteCookies method are available. One method deletes all cookies for the current profile or user; the other method deletes cookies on a specific page or domain for the current profile or user. For information, see the related link HCL OneTest UI API Reference, in the com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces package, under IBrowserObject.