Support for geographically-distributed project teams

As you develop your HCL OneTest UI test scripts and the supporting files that accompany those scripts, you can use Rational® MultiSite ClearCase® as your software configuration management system to support parallel software development across geographically distributed project teams.

MultiSite is a product layered on ClearCase®, to support parallel software development across geographically distributed project teams. MultiSite lets testers work on the same VOB concurrently at different locations. Each location works on its own copy of the VOB, known as a replica.

To avoid conflicts, MultiSite uses an exclusive-right-to-modify scheme, called mastership. VOB objects, such as streams and branches, are assigned a master replica. The master replica has the exclusive right to modify or delete these objects.

The master replica of a ClearCase® object or element is the only replica at which the object or element can be modified or instances of the object can be created. When you request mastership, you request the ability to modify an object or to create instances of an object locally.

If you use ClearCase® Multisite and want to modify or create a test asset, you must request mastership when you check out or check in a test asset. When you check out or check in a test asset, and you are using ClearCase® multisite, HCL OneTest UI displays the Request Mastership check box in the appropriate dialog box if a test element is not mastered locally.

Until you get mastership, you can not check an element in. When mastership is granted, the ClearCase® state symbol changes from the warning symbol ( warning symbol) to the ready, checked out symbol ( ready, checked out symbol).

For more information, see the ClearCase® Help.