Modifying running stubs

If you are using Rational® Integration Tester to run a stub, you can modify the stub while it is running.

About this task

Note: If you are using Rational® Integration Tester 8.0.1 (or later), clicking default case console output or failed validation console output on the Test Lab perspective Console window opens the Message Differences window, which enables you to debug the stub. (For information about debugging a stub, refer to Debugging Message-Based Stubs. For general information about the Message Differences window, refer to Rational Integration Tester reference.)

To modify a running stub:


  1. In Rational® Integration Tester Test Factory perspective, double-click the stub to open it in the Stub Editor.
  2. Use the Stub Editor to make and save any required changes to the stub. (For information about using the Stub Editor, refer to Modifying message-based stubs.)
  3. Open the Test Lab perspective.


The Task Monitor window shows that the modified stub was stopped and restarted by Rational® Integration Tester.