Stopping stubs by using the Rational® Integration Tester method

You can stop stubs using the Rational® Integration Tester method.

To stop a stub, do the following steps:

  1. In Rational® Integration Tester Test Lab perspective, find the stub to stop.
  2. Select the stub and click Stop on the Task Monitor windows toolbar.

    Alternatively, select the stub and click Stop on the Task Monitor toolbar.

Stopping a message-based stub causes the following to happen:

  • If traffic was being routed automatically routed to the stub by means of a Rational® Integration Tester Proxy, the proxy will be configured to resume sending messages to the live system.

Stopping a database stub causes the following to happen:

  • Rational® Integration Tester instructs each proxy to return to the state it was in before the stub was started.
  • The simulation schema is cleared.
Note: Stopping a persistent stub updates the stub with a fresh snapshot of data. A non-persistent stub is not updated and, if started again, it will revert to its original state. If there is no connection to the database, exceptions are recorded in a log. In IBM® Rational® Test Virtualization Server, stubs cannot be persistent.