Unit testing

You can do unit testing to validate individual components.

Consider the following points:
  • Create simple, individual tests for the relevant component with any interfaces virtualized with simple stubs. These initial tests can be created either by synchronizing with design-time assets (such as WSDL documents), by using run-time assets (such as recorded messages) or manually with design documents.
  • Create an execution environment that represents the projects development test environment. This environment within Rational® Integration Tester references the physical development test environment and references the actual physical locations and characteristics of components within that environment.
  • Use simple test data. This allows for a wider coverage of functionality rather than worrying about whether the tests reflect live environments. The tests created in this phase will form the basis for successive testing phases when the tests will be enhanced to reflect live environments. All of these should be grouped into a test suite, which can then be used to execute the tests sequentially or in parallel.
  • Generate a report for this phase, even if the testing is minimal.