System statistics probe

The System Statistics (Systat) probe runs on Windows or Linux and captures key system statistics for the target host.

The following table lists those statistics.

Counter Description
Total CPU load Percentage average load over all CPUs.
CPU 1 load Percentage load on a single CPU.
CPU 2 load Percentage load on a single CPU.
CPU 3 load Percentage load on a single CPU.
CPU 4 load Percentage load on a single CPU.
Used memory Percentage used RAM.
Disk busy % Percentage of time the hard disk(s) is (are) being read or written to.
Network usage Percentage of available bandwidth used.
CPU threads saturation Number of threads waiting for the CPU against total threads.
Memory saturation Number of pages against number of page faults.
Disk saturation Disk I/O operations waiting to execute against executed operations.
Network saturation Rate of network errors for last time period.
Used swap space Percentage of used swap space.

The Systat probe also captures key process statistics for the target host. The following table lists those statistics.

Process Description
Per-process CPU load Percentage CPU load exerted by a specific process.
Pre-process memory consumption Memory consumption (in kilobytes) exerted by a specific process.
Note: This applies to the Systat probe running on Windows only. The Systat probe requires the installation of the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable package on each target host that is to be monitored. The package is available in 32-bit and 64-bit versions and can be downloaded from the Microsoft website. If you have installed the 32-bit version of HCL OneTest API Agent, you must install the 32-bit version of the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable package. Alternatively, if you have installed the 64-bit version of HCL OneTest API Agent, you must install the 64-bit version of the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable package.
Note: This applies to the Systat probe running on Linux only. To run the system statistics probe on Linux, you must install Libstatgrab version 0.17 library. This library is used to provide access to statistics about the system on which the probe is run. Note that later versions of Libstatgrab are available, but these are not supported by the system statistics probe. Libstatgrab can be downloaded from To build and install the library, follow the instructions provided with the download.