Renaming Suites or tests in the results database by using the command line

You can use the command line to verify and rename all Suites and tests that have either moved to a different location or are renamed and which are stored in a results database.

The syntax to rename all Suites and tests that are stored in a results database is as follows:

IntegrationTesterCmd --project <project_name> sync-results-tree

For example, if the project is c:\MyProjects\testproject1. The command to rename all Suites and tests that are stored in a results database is as follows:

IntegrationTesterCmd --project c:\MyProjects\testproject1 sync-results-tree

Before you run the command to rename the Suites or tests in a results database, you can use the following options to get the details about the Suites or tests that are in the results database and the Suites or tests were either renamed or moved.

IntegrationTesterCmd --project <project_name> --dryRun --verbose sync-results-tree

For example, the command can be as: IntegrationTesterCmd --project c:\MyProjects\testproject1 --dryRun --verbose sync-results-tree

The result of this command lists all of the project resources that are in the results database, along with information about whether they were moved, renamed, or there was no change.

The following table lists the options that you can use with the IntegrationTesterCmd command.

Table 1. List of available options
Options Description
--project/-p Path to project file (optional). Used to limit the deletion to test suite results to a specific project. If not specified then databaseUrl, dbuser, and password are the required options.
--dryRun Displays the information about project resources in the results database configured in the project, whether they were moved, renamed, or there was no change. This command option only lists the details and does not perform any renaming action.
--verbose Provides additional information when used.