Deleting old test results by using the command line

You can delete old test suite results by using the Rational® Integration Tester command line.

The syntax to use is as follows:
IntegrationTesterCmd Options delete-all-results-keeping  Arguments 

Here are some examples:

To delete all test suite results that are more than 6 months old, use the following command:
IntegrationTesterCmd --databaseURL jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/resultdb 
            --dbuser jkelly --password hayling delete-all-results-keeping P6M
To delete all project Proj1 test suite results that are more than 7 days old use the following command:
IntegrationTesterCmd --project "C:\Users\jkelly\MyProjects\Proj1\Proj1.ghp" delete-all-results-keeping P7D
Warning: After you delete all test results and project data in the results database, you must restart any Rational® Integration Tester workbench instances or Rational® Integration Tester Agent instances that were using that results database. 

The following table lists the options that you can use with the IntegrationTesterCmd command for deleting test results older than a specified period.

Table 1. List of available options
Options Description
--project/-p Path to project file (optional). Used to limit the deletion to test suite results to a specific project. If not specified then databaseUrl, dbuser, and password are required options.
--databaseUrl/-b Results database URL (optional). For more information on the specification of database URLs when using IP literal addresses, see IP literal address.
--dbuser/-g Results database user name (optional)
--password/-h Results database password (optional)
--ignorePolicy/-y If present, the archive policy is ignored (flag).
--stubResults/-z If present, stub results are deleted (flag).
Table 2. List of available arguments
Arguments Description
duration A representation of a time period of the form PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, using the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) timeDuration specification. For example, to delete all results older than 6 months use P6M
Note: Results that are associated with a test cycle will be deleted only if the test cycle is closed.